Weekly Update


This week we have been very busy in Primary 4/5. Here are some of the things we have enjoyed doing:

“I enjoyed sharing out the Skittles for Division with my partners Danielle and Darby.” – Eva

“This week I enjoyed mixing colours in Art. It was interesting to see different tones of colour.” – Megan

“In the Charity Council we’ve been learning a Sports Relief song called Step it Up. I enjoyed performing it with Kayleigh in front of the class.” – Darby

“This week I enjoyed mixing all the colours in Art because it was fun and quite messy. I’m looking forward to finishing the task next week.” – Kayleigh

“I liked doing the rolls across the mat in Gymnastics. My favourite roll was a forward roll. I think I’ve got better at it.” – Xander

“I had fun doing Gymnastics in P.E. I’m looking forward to using the trampoline and the box next week.” – Taylor


Division with Skittles

Today we were sharing Skittles out for our Division work.

“I enjoyed sharing the Skittles. I learned how to do Division.” – Darby

“I enjoyed doing the sharing activity. It was fun to share the Skittle out and it was great to eat them at the end.” – Nicole

“I enjoyed putting the Skittles into the circles.” – Ben

“Today I enjoyed sharing the Skittles and I feel more confident with Division.” – Briony

Party Time!!

Last night we had a fabulous time at the Valentine’s Disco. We really enjoyed all the party games and dancing.

“I really liked the games and snacks. The best game was Corners – I was so close to winning!” – Nicole

“I really liked playing with Kieran at the disco and we drank lots of orange juice!” – Ben

“We enjoyed the Photo Booth and dancing with all our friends!” – Darby and Briony

“We enjoyed having lots of fun with our friends. It was fun, our favourite parts were Corners and dancing.” – Taylor and Ross

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Friday Update

“This week I enjoyed our new Maths topic of Division. I also got full marks in my Multiplication Assessment, I can’t wait for another Maths Challenge!” – Anthony

“This week I enjoyed learning about an Osprey. I liked learning about migration and their wingspan.” – Briony

“I enjoyed doing division. It was fun doing our fact families in colours and it made it easier to see the inverse of multiplication.” – Ryan

“I really liked doing gymnastics this week. I go to a gymnastics club and it’s fun to learn new skills. I liked doing some balances with my partner.” – Nicole


Remember we are off on holiday on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday – we return back to school on Thursday!

Have a great holiday! 😀
