Primary 6 – Thursday 21st May

Good morning Primary 6,

It’s Thursday, the English word Thursday is named after the Norse god of thunder, Thor. Thursday means Thor’s day in Old English. Thor is represented riding a chariot drawn by goats (They left this bit out of The Avengers) and wielding his hammer . In Latin, Thursday is named ‘Jovis dies’ after the god Jupiter

(The bit they never show you in the movies 🤫)

Here are the answers to yesterday’s maths questions.

a) 316,900+81,971+49,500 = 448,371

b) 15,467-8,769 = 6,698

c) 12,742 km – 6,779 km = 5,963 km

d) 20,000-1,543 = 18,457-2,575 = 15,882-6,543 = 9,339 survived

e) £2,000,000-£455,500 = £1,544,500-£103,500 = £1,441,000-£13,900 = £1,427,100 left


This week we are working on some word problems that involve addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Calculate the answers to these questions in your jotter.

a) Alisha went on a shopping spree and bought 12 pairs of shoes. Each pair cost £15. How much did she spend?

b) If Riley eats 5 biscuits a day, how many does he eat over 234 days?

c) Mr Burroughs wants to replace the school’s footballs. Each football costs £9 and he wants to order 134. How much will they cost?

d) Emma buys a jar full of 126 sweets. She wants to get enough sweets to last her all year, so she buys another 4 jars. How many sweets are there in all 5 jars?

e) Miss Huntley needs to order some new whiteboard pens. She orders 6 boxes. Each box contains 24 pens. How many pens are ordered?

f) Brandon goes to watch the football 17 times in a month. How many times does he watch the football over 12 months?

g) Ben loves bouncy balls. He has been so good this ½ term that Miss Huntley buys him a packet of 19 balls. Ben goes out to play and bounces each ball 27 times. How many times were the balls bounced altogether?

h) William watches 4 TV programmes every day. How many programmes does he watch over 365 days?

i) Mr Burroughs chooses 11 people to play in a football team. He decides to put together 12 teams throughout the school. How many players does he have altogether?

j) Lewis takes a train to London. Each train carriage can carry 66 passengers. The train has 11 carriages. What is the total number of passengers that the train can carry?

This is not how we would write out sums to find the answer so don’t write them this way in your jotter. Use place value, carrying and decomposition (borrowing) to find your answers.

I’ll post the answers to these later today or you can send me your answers at:

Sumdog are running a special competition for North Lanarkshire schools. We’re in the top 100 and today is the last day.

This week for spelling we’re looking at words which end in ‘et’.

Look carefully at these words.

Copy them in to your jotter and split them into their syllables. The first one is done for you.

gadget – gad-get












Here are the answers to yesterday’s comprehension exercises

Venom Answers

Mummies Answers

Scabs Answers

I’ve assigned you some reading in Scholastic Books.

Here are three new comprehension exercises for today. You can choose to do as many of them as you wish.

I’ll post the answers later today.

Rudy comprehension

Livingstone comprehension

Isadora comprehension



Today is Ascension Thursday!

We have been thinking about loving and caring for others all week and we have tried to follow Jesus’ commandment to, ‘Love one another as I have loved you.’

You have created a Caring Wreath to show that you care and you have learned about how Jesus ascended into heaven forty days after his resurrection on Easter Sunday.

Normally on Ascension Thursday we would all be going to Mass. Although we can’t actually go to church today, Bishop Toal is celebrating Mass for all of the children of the Diocese of Motherwell at 11am. 

This Mass is being streamed on Facebook so you will need an adult’s permission to watch this:

Father Campbell is also celebrating Mass on St. Barbara’s Parish website at 10am.

With an adult’s permission, please select a Mass to follow.

You might also like to watch the clip below. You can join in if you like.


It’s the last day before the holiday weekend and before Sports’ Day on Tuesday!!!

For some of today’s activities you need dice or you can make some (see below).

Select one or more of the following to do today:


Look out for news about Sports’ Day activities!

Remember you can still choose another task from your updated learning grid and there are other tasks on Sumdog, StudyLadder, FirstNews and Scholastic Books.

You can email me any of your work at:


Mr. McIntosh

Primary 5 21st May 2020

Primary 5 – Thursday 21st May 2020

Good morning Primary 5. Happy Thursday!

I hope that you are all up and ready to start your day. Below is the link for today’s learning activities:-

Primary 5 work 210520


Health and Wellbeing

Look at these terrific pictures of Charlie W. making healthy snacks for the family.

Charlie’s Surf n Turf Lunch

Looks delicious! Well done, Charlie!

It’s the last day before the holiday weekend and before Sports’ Day on Tuesday!!!

For some of today’s activities you need dice or you can make some (see below).

Select one or more of the following to do today:



Have a look at Sofia’s fabulous picture for today’s special feast day: Ascension Thursday.

What great work, Sofia. Well done!


Today is Ascension Thursday!

We have been thinking about loving and caring for others all week and we have tried to follow Jesus’ commandment to, ‘Love one another as I have loved you.’

You have created a Caring Wreath to show that you care and you have learned about how Jesus ascended into heaven forty days after his resurrection on Easter Sunday.

Normally on Ascension Thursday we would all be going to Mass. Although we can’t actually go to church today, Bishop Toal is celebrating Mass for all of the children of the Diocese of Motherwell at 11am. 

This Mass is being streamed on Facebook so you will need an adult’s permission to watch this:

Father Campbell is also celebrating Mass on St. Barbara’s Parish website at 10am.

With an adult’s permission, please select a Mass to follow.

You might also like to watch the clip below. You can join in if you like.


Only do what you can and don’t worry about what you can’t.

Take care

Mrs Goodwin

Primary 1b- Thursday 21st May

Good morning Primary 1b😀

Wasn’t the weather beautiful yesterday? I hope you had lots of fun in the beautiful sunshine!

It’s Thursday but you will be pleased to know that this is your last day of home learning this week. It’s the May holiday weekend so you have tomorrow and Monday off to relax and enjoy spending time with your families. Hooray!🙌

The work you have been doing this week is amazing boys and girls so lets finish this week off with a bang! ⚡️

Are you ready for another awesome day of learning?

Let’s get started on today activities.

We will begin our day as always, with our morning prayer.🙏🏻

God our Father, as we prepare to begin our work, we ask you to help us use properly, the many gifts you have given us, so that we may fully benefit from our day together in school. St. Barbara, pray for us.

Here is today’s overview:



Instructional Writing✍️

How to wash your hands properly✋🤚


Wash your hands!👾

Don’t forget to sing the happy birthday song TWICE.

Ordering instructions task


Challenge- Write your own instructions 🌶

How to wash your hands worksheet

Well done you are an expert! You are a Germ-Buster!


Sumdog North Lanarkshire Maths Contest🏆

Well done to everyone who has taken part so far. I am so proud of you all! Today is the last day to take part. The competition ends tonight at 8pm. We have one last chance to move up the leader board. Make sure you login today to help boost our score. Good luck boys and girls.

Topmarks- Daily 10 ⏱

Subtraction colour by number task ➖



It’s the last day before the holiday weekend and before Sports’ Day on Tuesday!!!

For some of today’s activities you need dice or you can make some (see below).

Select one or more of the following to do today:


Look out for news about Sports’ Day activities!


Today is Ascension Thursday!

We have been thinking about loving and caring for others all week and we have tried to follow Jesus’ commandment to, ‘Love one another as I have loved you.’

You have created a Caring Wreath to show that you care and you have learned about how Jesus ascended into heaven forty days after his resurrection on Easter Sunday.

Normally on Ascension Thursday we would all be going to Mass. Although we can’t actually go to church today, Bishop Toal is celebrating Mass for all of the children of the Diocese of Motherwell at 11am. 

This Mass is being streamed on Facebook so you will need an adult’s permission to watch this:

Father Campbell is also celebrating Mass on St. Barbara’s Parish website at 10am.

With an adult’s permission, please select a Mass to follow.

You might also like to watch the clip below. You can join in if you like.

🐝Work to BEE proud of!🐝

Look at the wonderful characters these children created for Hairy Maclary.

Big Fred from Muirhead by Darragh.

Sassy the staffy by Aria-Rose.

Look at the beautiful wreaths Daniel and Holly created.

I had a giant smile on my face after reading Aaron’s work!

Remember to keep sending me any work you are proud of so that I can upload it onto our class glow page.

Well done boys and girls. You have completed another week of home learning. ✅👏

I have loved reading your emails and seeing all of the amazing work you are doing at home. 🏠

You have put the biggest smile on my face all week! You deserve a huge clap because you are all doing AMAZING! 😀

I hope you and your family have a lovely, relaxing long weekend.

Take care and keep safe!🥰

Miss McEleney🙂🌈❣️



Thursday 21st May- Primary 7

Good morning Primary 7 ,

I hope you have all had a good week and have worked hard. We have a long weekend this weekend which means that you have a few days off from school work. Use that time to relax and get out in the fresh air.

Let’s join our hands and begin our day with our morning prayer.

God our Father, as we prepare to begin our work, we ask you to help us use properly, the many gifts you have given us, so that we may fully benefit from our day together.

                                          St. Barbara, pray for us.              

I have had some great work sent over to me this week and I have really enjoyed reading it. Usually I get to display all of your wonderful work on the walls for everyone to see. As I am not able to put your work on the walls I am going to be posting it on our daily blogs. I would love if you could email or tweet me any work that you are proud of and that you would like to show off.

These are post cards that I received from Archie and Ava telling me what they have been up to. It was great to hear from you both as I am missing you all.

Ben wrote a great imaginative story, it was well structured and punctuated. Well done Ben, it’s great to see you are still meeting the creative writing genre targets.

Daniel has been revising his spelling rules and he has presented his work well. He has also used the BODMAS order of operations to complete his sums. Good work Daniel!

Michael has also been working really hard! He has used some amazing adjectives to make a piece of text much more interesting to read. Michael also sent me the tongue twister that he wrote, see if you can give it a go.

Well done Primary 7 for sending me all of this fabulous work, I look forward to receiving lots more.

Here is the link for today’s learning activities-

Thursday 21st May

Here are today’s Health and Wellbeing and This Is Our Faith tasks-

Ascension Thursday: 21st May 2020

Today is Ascension Thursday!

We have been thinking about loving and caring for others all week and we have tried to follow Jesus’ commandment to, ‘Love one another as I have loved you.’

You have created a Caring Wreath to show that you care and you have learned about how Jesus ascended into heaven forty days after his resurrection on Easter Sunday.

Normally on Ascension Thursday we would all be going to Mass. Although we can’t actually go to church today, Bishop Toal is celebrating Mass for all of the children of the Diocese of Motherwell at 11am. 

This Mass is being streamed on Facebook so you will need an adult’s permission to watch this:

Father Campbell is also celebrating Mass on St. Barbara’s Parish website at 10am.

With an adult’s permission, please select a Mass to follow.

You might also like to watch the clip below. You can join in if you like.

Thursday 21st May 2020- Health and Wellbeing 

It’s the last day before the holiday weekend and before Sports’ Day on Tuesday!!!

For some of today’s activities you need dice or you can make some (see below).

Select one or more of the following to do today:


Look out for news about Sports’ Day activities!

Keep up the great work Primary 7 and enjoy your extra few days off, you have earned them. As Tuesday is our Virtual Sports Day maybe you could get some practise in this weekend.

Have a terrific Thursday!

Mrs Butler

Primary 2- Thursday 21st May

Good morning my talented twos!🌟

And what a talented bunch you are…look at this beautiful art work I received from our talented artist Luca.🎨

Well done Luca on creating such a beautiful ‘Caring Wreath’.

It is the May bank holiday weekend tomorrow and Monday so you will be happy to know that today is your last day of home learning this week, so let’s get started!

Let’s begin with our morning prayer.

God our Father, as we prepare to begin our work, we ask you to help us use properly, the many gifts you have given us, so that we may fully benefit from our day together.

 St. Barbara, pray for us. 🙏🏼

Here is today’s suggested learning activities-Thursday 21st

Sumdog update: Primary 2 are currently sitting in 61st position. I am so proud of you all for taking part and trying your best. Let’s give it one final push today to climb up that leader board! You have until 8pm tonight- best of luck!🏆

Well done for working hard this week again boys and girls, I know it’s not easy in these circumstances. I have loved hearing from you all and seeing how well you are getting on. I am missing your happy faces very much so your emails really cheered me up. 😊

A huge thank you once again parents for all your support at home. Please do not worry if you were not able to complete all activities this week, these are only suggestions. The main thing is that you are all keeping active, healthy and safe.

I hope you all have a terrific Thursday and a nice, refreshing long weekend. I will be back on Tuesday ready for our Virtual Sports’ Day!

Don’t forget to join in with the nation at 8pm tonight to clap for all of our amazing and brave NHS workers. I will be on my door step with my pot and spoon making as much noise as I can!👏🏻

Take care,

Miss Shreenan 🌈💛

Primary 1a – Thursday 21st May

Good morning boys and girls. I hope that you enjoyed the sunshine yesterday and got some time to play in your gardens. We had our paddling pool out again.😁🌞

Today is Ascension Thursday!

We have been thinking about loving and caring for others all week and we have tried to follow Jesus’ commandment to, ‘Love one another as I have loved you.’

You have created a Caring Wreath to show that you care and you have learned about how Jesus ascended into heaven forty days after his resurrection on Easter Sunday.

Normally on Ascension Thursday we would all be going to Mass. Although we can’t actually go to church today, Bishop Toal is celebrating Mass for all of the children of the Diocese of Motherwell at 11am. 

This Mass is being streamed on Facebook so you will need an adult’s permission to watch this:

Father Campbell is also celebrating Mass on St. Barbara’s Parish website at 10am.

With an adult’s permission, please select a Mass to follow.

You might also like to watch the clip below. You can join in if you like.

Literacy – Today I would like you to try to read the phoneme story below aloud to someone in your family.  If it is tricky ask them to read it to you and you can read the “ee” phoneme words out.

Can you highlight all of the “ee” words and write them down in a list. How many have you found?

I would like you to complete these worksheets, they will help you with your “ee” phoneme.


Dictated sentences – ask someone in you family to read these sentences out to you slowly and try to write them into your jotter.

1. Can you see the park?

2. I had three sweets after my dinner.

3. My bike has two big wheels on it.

Reading – continue to read the book that I assigned to you yesterday. A big well done to the boys and girls that have already read the book. Can you write a few sentences about what happened in the story?

Maths– Today is the last day of the Sumdog competition so login and have some fun, come on P1a, let’s see how far we can go!!!

3D shape


Can you cut and sort these 3D shapes into the correct place?


It’s the last day before the holiday weekend and before Sports’ Day on Tuesday!!!

For some of today’s activities you need dice or you can make some (see below).

Select one or more of the following to do today:


Look out for news about Sports’ Day activities!

I hope that you have a super weekend and enjoy some time with your family! Remember to clap 👏 tonight for the NHS.

Mrs MacLeod 😁




Primary 5/4 – Thursday 21st May

Good morning!

I hope you all had some fun in the sun yesterday! I am very lucky and got to spend most of the day in the garden with my little girl. Please see below for today’ activities.


It’s Thursday but you will be pleased to know that this is your last day of home learning this week. It’s the May holiday weekend so you have tomorrow and Monday off to relax and enjoy spending time with your families.

Take care,

Mrs McGill

Primary 3 – 21st May 2020

Good morning superstars!

I hope you are all up and ready to learn. Remember today is our last day before a lovely long weekend.

Remember to start your day with our morning prayer.


Lets start today with some maths games. Log on to Sumdog and take part in the challenge. Good Luck!

Please choose the same colour as yesterday and scroll down to see today’s task.


Yesterday we were revising our subtraction work to 20. Today we are going to look at subtraction sums with a missing number.


16 – ___ = 10

We can work this out by counting back. Start at 16 and count back to 10.

How many did you have to count back?

Your answer should have been 6.

Please click the link to access your task.

Red Task

You can use a number line to help you.

Amber and Green:

Click the link below to access an example question.

Subtraction Example

Now click the link below to access today’s task.

Amber and Green Task

If you feel like giving yourself a challenge then you can try the task below instead.

Challenge Task


Today is our writing day. We are going to continue with our revision on instruction writing.

I would like you to think back to the healthy snack you made on Monday.

Can you write a set of instructions to tell me how you made it?

Have a look at the template below to see how to lay out your instructions. If you do not have a printer then please just copy this into your jotter.

Instruction template

I have included the instruction power point from last week in case you need some help.


If you did not manage to make your healthy snack then you can select another topic.

Maybe you could tell me how to play your favourite sport or x-box game.


Today is Ascension Thursday!

We have been thinking about loving and caring for others all week and we have tried to follow Jesus’ commandment to, ‘Love one another as I have loved you.’

You have created a Caring Wreath to show that you care and you have learned about how Jesus ascended into heaven forty days after his resurrection on Easter Sunday.

Normally on Ascension Thursday we would all be going to Mass. Although we can’t actually go to church today, Bishop Toal is celebrating Mass for all of the children of the Diocese of Motherwell at 11am. 

This Mass is being streamed on Facebook so you will need an adult’s permission to watch this:

Father Campbell is also celebrating Mass on St. Barbara’s Parish website at 10am.

With an adult’s permission, please select a Mass to follow.

You might also like to watch the clip below. You can join in if you like.


It’s the last day before the holiday weekend and before Sports’ Day on Tuesday!!!

For some of today’s activities you need dice or you can make some (see below).

Select one or more of the following to do today:

Look out for news about Sports’ Day activities!

Remember to get out and clap for all of our Key Workers tonight!!

I hope you have a lovely holiday weekend  and I hope the sun shines for you!

Take care.

Miss McMullen






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