
Greenfaulds High School Gaelic Department

September 28, 2017
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S1/2 Trip to University of Glasgow

S1 and S2 Gaelic speaking pupils at Greenfaulds High School have been invited to attend an event at the University of Glasgow on Wednesday 4th October.  This year we celebrate 20 years of Gaelic education at Condorrat Primary School and this trip has been arranged as part of the week-long celebration.

Glasgow Uni Letter

September 21, 2017
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Làn Comais!

‘S fhior mhath a rinn trì sgoilearan ; Craig Yule, Ava MacKinnon agus Jessica Muir,  às an roinn againn oidhche chiadain! Chluich iad,  a’ riochdachadh Còmhairle Lannraig a Tuath agus an sgoil airson John Swinney aig dinnear mhòr ann an Glaschu. Sin sibh fhèin!


Three members of the newly formed Gaelic band ‘Làn Comais’; Craig Yule, Ava MacKinnon and Jessica Muir performed at a function in Glasgow on Wednesday night. Among the guests was John Swinney, deputy leader of the SNP.  They performed extremely well and, we in the Gaelic department are very proud of them all!


September 14, 2017
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Sgoilearan air Tbh!

Nach math a rinn Eve Byrne agus Harry Coggins air ‘Dè a nis?’ a-raoir ? Chaidh a chlàradh an uair a bha iad ann am p7 ann an Bunsgoil Chondorrait agus nam measg bha sgoilearan eile a tha a-nis rin lorg ann an S1 ann an GHS. Gheibhear ceangal dhan phrogram gu h-iosal;


Well done to Eve Byrne and Harry Coggins for their appearance on ‘Dè a nis?’ on BBC ALBA last night.  This was filmed while they were in P7 at Condorrat Primary. As well as Harry and Eve, many of new S1 Gaelic class can also se seen. To view this episode, use the link below;



September 8, 2017
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Goireasan-d airson na Gàidhlig is a cultar le fòcas air an Iolaire


Ceann-latha:           Dimàirt 12 Sultain 2017

Àm:                           10m – 11m

 Ag amas air:                        Sgoilearan S4 – 6

 Àite: Leabharlann Nàiseanta na h-Alba, Talla Cheilbhinn, Glaschu


 Bidh an tachartas ionnsachaidh seo airson daoine bho S4-S6 san àrd-sgoil a’ taisbeanadh goireas eadar-obrachail ùr bho Leabharlann Nàiseanta na h-Alba a ghabhas a chleachdadh airson litreachas, cuspairean sòisealta agus ealain chruthachail.  Anns an t-seisean, bidh stiùireadh ann air na dòighean airson deagh fheum a dhèanamh de na goireasan-d seo anns a’ chlas, airson obair dachaigh, agus airson obair neo-eisimeileach air-loidhne.

Am measg nan goireasan a thèid a chleachdadh, bidh an làrach-lìn ùr mu thubaist an Iolaire ann an 1918/19  http://digital.nls.uk/learning/iolaire/index.html a bharrachd air ceòl, leabhraichean, mapaichean eachdraidheil agus film bhon tasglann aig scotlandonscreen.org.uk


  • Gus goireasan a tha a’ brosnachadh cleachdadh na Gàidhlig a thaisbeanadh
  • Gus cuir ri misneachd nan com-pàirtichean ann a bhith a’ cleachdadh goireasan-d.
  • Gus cothroman a chruthachadh do na com-pàirtichean barrachd ionnsachadh mun Iolaire.


Airson barrachd fiosrachaidh agus gus clàradh, cuir fios gu: Ionnsachadh is Coimhearsnachd air 0141 880 2302 no post-d movingimagelearning@nls.uk


Trip for S4 – S6 pupils

Kelvin Hall , Glasgow

Tuesday 12 September

10 am – 11am

This event will introduce pupils to digital resources connected to the Iolaire Disaster of 1919.

For further information feel free to cal 01418802302  or visit movingimagelearning@nls.uk


September 8, 2017
by User deactivated

Seachdain na Gàidhlig!

Leis gu bheil Foghlam tro Mheadhan na Gàidhlig air a bhith a’ ruith ann an Lannraig a’ Tuath airson fichead bliadhna, tha seachdain sònraichte gu bhith aig Bunsgoil Chondobhrait. Chìthear postair le bhith a’ cleachdadh an ceangal seo


To mark 20 years of Gaelic Medium education in North Lanarkshire, Condorrat Primary School have organised a week of celebration.  A poster with information can be seen by clicking on the link below

Gaelic Week !

September 8, 2017
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Obair Dachaigh Ghàidhlig S1

Chaidh obair dachaigh a thoirt a-mach an-diugh, Feumar a bhith a-staigh airson Diluain 11 An t-Sultain

The S1 Gaelic class were issued with homework  today. This should be handed in on Monday 11th September


The homework can be found in the Obair Dachaigh / Homework page


September 7, 2017
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Proiseact Ciùil

Tha sianar sgoilearean againn: Emily Robertson, Jessica Muir, Eilidh Miller, Craig Yule, Jacob Spence agus Ava MacKinnon, air a bhith ag obair gu cruaidh a dhèanamh deiseil airson EP a chlàradh. Cho math ri bhith ag obair tro na làithean-saora aca, tha iad air a bhith trang ann an studio clàraidh na sgoile an t-seachdainn seo. ‘S fior mhath a rinn iad!!!!!

Six of our pupils; Ava MacKinnon, Jessica Muir, Eilidh Miller, Craig Yule, Jacob Spence and  Emily Robertson, have been working hard in preparation for recording an EP which is to be released later this year. As well as rehearsing through the summer, they have been in the school studio this week and put down all of their tracks.  Very well done indeed!!!!!

August 30, 2017
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Buidhean nam Meadhanan agus Dràma / Media and Drama Group

Toisichidh am buidhean seo a-rithist Dimàirt 5 An t-Sultain as deidh na sgoile. An dèan com-pàrtaichean agus am pàrantan cinnteach gu bheil dòigh-siubhail dhachaigh air a chur air dòigh. Bidh sinn a’ crìochnachadh aig 5pm.

This group will restart on Tuesday 5th September after school. Could participants and parents ensure that they have organised transport home. The session ends at 5pm.

Seo agaibh ceangal an litir a chaidh a chur dhachaigh / please find the link to the letter that was sent home

Drama Letter






August 22, 2017
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We have started work on a short novel called A’ Tilleadh Dhachaigh by Seonaid NicDhomhnaill.

The presentation for this book is available on the designated S3 page.

August 22, 2017
by User deactivated


S1 are currently working  on Dùbhlan an t-Srainnseir by Iain MacFhionghain.

The presentation for both the language content and questions are available on the designated S1 page.

Please ensure that pupils do not work ahead until advised by the teacher.

Thank you

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