Every year S1 and S2 pupils participate in a personal reading competition as part of their Broad General Education. This competition is called the ‘Reading Championship’ and its aim is to encourage young people to read for pleasure more often to improve their academic performance at school and their emotional/mental wellbeing.
Pupils visit the school library as part of their English class on a weekly (S2) or fornightly basis (S1) to borrow a library book. For every book they read to completion pupils are awarded points:
Manga/Non Fiction = 0.5 points
Junior Fiction = 1 point
Teen Fiction = 2 points
Senior Fiction = 4 points
Throughout the year pupils are given genre tasters to introduce them to the variety of books available in the school library for them to borrow in an effort to encourage them to read more widely.
Then at the end of the year the top ten pupils with the most points are awarded a ‘Reading Champion’ certificate at the school prize-giving in June, whilst the individual with the most points also wins the ‘Eileen McCluskey Library Trophy’, and the house group in S1 and S2 with the most points is rewarded with a pizza and movie afternoon in the library at the end of the third term.