The school library is open to pupils for private study, computer use or to return/choose a library book at the following times every week:
Every interval from 10.35am till 10.50am.
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday lunchtime from 12.30pm till 1.05pm. Pupils are then asked to leave and get ready for their P5 class.
The library ‘Book Pix’ club runs every Thursday lunchtime from 12.30pm till 1.10pm. Please bring a packed lunch or grab bag from the school canteen.
When using the library pupils are expected to follow a code of positive behaviours:
- No food or juice/energy drinks.
- Water is allowed but must be kept away from the computers.
- Food can only be eaten during the ‘Book Pix’ club.
- No mobile phones or computer games.
- Tuck your chair under before you leave.