W/C Monday 4th May 2020

Home Learning

Home Learning Grids for the next fortnight have been added to the Class Teams and in the room tabs on the Home Learning section of the website. Class teachers have added some resources to the files section of teams. We are aware of the difficulties some people have had accessing these files. We have deleted the glitchy ‘Class Materials’ file and added the resources to the main files so we would appreciate anyone who has had difficulties to try again and let Ms McCrossan know if you’re still having problems.

Class Teams

It has been great seeing so many children interacting with their teachers and each other on the Class Teams. Please continue to share stories and work and see the photographs you’ve been posting.


Congratulations to last week’s Sumdog winners. There are competitions set up for this week for each class so the leader board will only show children from the same class. This competition will finish at 2pm on Thursday this week.

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