Promoting positive discipline is an important aspect of our school. Children learn best when they are in a comfortable structured environment, where mutual respect and tolerance co-exist.
In Auchinloch Primary School we actively encourage pupils to take responsibility for their own actions and to always consider how these actions will affect others around them. Through the promotion of positive behaviour we have developed a very positive ethos in school. Class rules are compiled by the children themselves and our school council discusses rules for the playground and dinner hall. As a result, the rules are very rarely broken. A very clear promoting positive behaviour policy is in place, and this basically follows the progression of a report being made to the class teacher, then, if necessary, passed to the Head Teacher. Situations are normally resolved at this level, but where necessary, parental involvement is requested.
It cannot be emphasised too strongly that the fullest parental co-operation is necessary for good discipline. Where a serious misdemeanour occurs parents are called upon to discuss the necessary disciplinary action.
Bullying in any form will not be tolerated and we encourage pupils and parents to discuss any problems with the staff at once.
In school we have an anti-bullying policy and a discipline policy.
Peer mediation – staff & P5-7 are trained in peer mediation strategies.
Defining Bullying
Bullying is an abuse of power. It is a repeated, deliberate act of aggression which causes embarrassment, pain or discomfort to another. It takes many forms and may include physical attacks, verbal insults, extortion and theft, threatening and obscene gestures, spreading malicious rumours and deliberately excluding people from a group or activity.
When dealing with and reporting allegations of bullying we will endeavour to:
- ensure that all alleged incidents of bullying are taken seriously and managed appropriately.
- ensure that a range of strategies are in place for dealing with alleged incidents.
- work in partnership with parents to try to find solutions to incidents which involve their child.
- maintain appropriate systems for recording alleged incidents.
Supervision in Non-Class Times
An adult presence is provided in playgrounds at break times in terms of the Schools (Safety and Supervision of Pupils) (Scotland) Regulations 1990.