Category Archives: Faith

Daily Prayer

C Glackin


Reflection: On this day of Canon Glackin’s Funeral let us remember the community of St Columba’s, Viewpark and all Canon’s friends and family who have lost a brother, friend and parish priest. Let us give thanks for the 33 years of service he has given to the people of Bellshill and may all us who have had our lives touched in some way always remember him in our prayers and persevere in our own service of Christ.



Prayer: Father you call each one of us by name and ask us to follow you. Bless your church by raising up dedicated and generous leaders from our families and friends who will serve your people as Sisters, Priests and Brothers.  Inspire us as we grow to know you, and open our hearts to hear your call.

School Prayer
Lord, I thank you for bringing me to another day.
May I live it completely for You, Through you, With You and in you.


Daily Prayer

Friday 22 picReflection – Sometimes a good long chat with your best friend can make the world a brighter place. Prayer in its many forms is a means of communicating with a best friend. God knows us better than we know ourselves. There are times when we may feel that God didn’t give us what we prayed for, that is because He delivers what we NEED which isn’t always what we want. This can seem complicated but if we put our simple trust in God and communicate with him regularly we will find ourselves where, in life, we are meant to be. Like a good parent God will provide us with what we need.


Prayer – Lord, I place my trust in you

Lord, help us this weekend to take the time to share our challenges and joys with you. Be with us and help us to see your presence in our lives. Like with our best friends, may we offer our confidence in you that you provide our needs before we ask for them. Help us to allow others to see you in their lives, particularly those who have difficulty recognising your presence.

School Prayer
Lord, I thank you for bringing me to another day.
May I live it completely for You,Through you,
With You and in you.


For Canon Glackin
Eternal Rest, grant unto him O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon him, may he rest in peace.

Daily Prayer

Reflecprayer piction – A time for everything
Life can sometimes feel so busy that we pass each day and week in a flash of ‘to do’ lists and never ending deadlines. Fitting time to pray alone can often be put in the ‘I will do that next’ category and it never really arrives. Conversations with our friends at school and home; social media in its many forms even when our parents think we are sleeping, cause us to forget how important it is to sit still and communicate our prayers to our Lord.

Prayer – Lord, in you I trust.
Lord allow us to follow the advice of St Francis de Sales and place prayer as a priority in our busy lives. May know the healing peace of quiet prayer time and share with one another the benefits of our time in prayer. Sometimes the need to do everything that is asked of us crams our life to the full. Sometimes we waste time on our many electronic gadgets engaging in a cyber-reality when our time could be spent more effectively communicating with you. Help us to learn that our prayers can be in the form of a conversation with a true friend.

School Prayer
Lord, I thank you for bringing me to another day.
May I live it completely for You,
Through you,
With You and in you. Amen

For Canon Glackin
Eternal Rest, grant unto him O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon him, may he rest in peace.

Daily Prayer-Wednesday 20 January

Reflection – what’s in a smile?
Your smile is a great asset, it is your cutest accessory, and your best friend! When someone walks by you and smiles it catches and then you smile. You then smile at the next person and they catch it. Pretty amazing when you think about it! Just by smiling at one person you can make hundreds of people smile every day! We have plenty opportunities each day to smile and plenty opportunities to allow the slightest smile brighten the day of another person in school. That small selfless meaningful act is a beautiful thing.
Prayer – Lord, your presence warms my heart
As Blessed Mother Teresa is a shining example to us of a selfless spirit, may we today strive to do a selfless act and help one another. Sometimes the smallest gesture of kindness, a smile can brighten someone’s day. Lord allow us the confidence and strength to look for opportunities today in Cardinal Newman High school and at home, to treat every encounter like an encounter with Christ. May we genuinely seek to allow our smile to warm someone’s heart, just a little.
School Prayer
Lord, I thank you for bringing me to another day.
May I live it completely for You,
Through you,
With You and in you. Amen
For Canon Glackin
Eternal Rest, grant unto him O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon him, may he rest in peace.

Canon Edward Glackin (1934-2016)

Canon GlackinCanon Glackin, Parish Priest of St Columba’s, Viewpark, for over 30 years, passed away at the weekend after a short illness. Canon was a great supporter of the school during his time as parish priest at St Columba’s, always making himself available for confessions and mass and always more than prepared to visit classes and speak to pupils, which he did with such warmth and sincerity.  His love of all things Spanish was highlighted in the great service he gave to our Day of the Dead celebrations in school and his contribution to that over the last few years was immense. Although he was unable to take a leading role in the last celebrations he did manage to attend and took the opportunity to speak to our third years about his illness, his acceptance of death and the important role that his faith had in helping him approach his death. Sharing his thoughts and inspiration with the young people and telling them how lucky they were to have the gift of faith to face trials such as these was a very moving and touching experience.

The funeral arrangements will be finalised at some point this week, Fr Grant has intimated that it will take place either Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday of next week.

Eternal Rest, grant unto him O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon him, may he rest in peace. Amen

Daily Prayer

ReflectionPrayers for WB January 18th 2016
God is with us in our every breath. He knows our needs and provides for us even when we cannot see what he wants for us. It is often easy to be put off by hurdles and sometimes hard work can leave us feeling drained. Our fourth year pupils are embarking on their prelim exams this week and we know that there is an answer to each question, a reassuring thought for every doubt, a lesson from each missed opportunity and a chance to improve their tomorrows.

Prayer – Lord, I place my trust in you
Let us take a moment in the hustle and bustle of our day to put or faith in God. My we know that he is with us in times of stress, times of challenge and times of joy. Allow his presence to be with you as we give our best to our lessons in Cardinal Newman High School. Let us all think about our fourth pupils who have prepared well and giving their best to their exams. Let us also pray for people throughout our world who face challenges today, may our Lord be with them and give them strength to do their best.

School Prayer
Lord, I thank you for bringing me to another day.
May I live it completely for You,
Through you,
With You and in you. Amen

For Canon Glackin
Eternal Rest, grant unto him O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon him, may he rest in peace.

Daily Prayer

“If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.”
Mother Teresa

Reflection: The news in France of the terrorist attacks and the ongoing war in Syria has been filled our media with images of violence which continue to shake the world. We must remember those who have been killed or injured at the hands of others. We must remember them and their families in our prayers.

Prayer: Jesus, help the world become a more tolerant and peaceful place. Amen.Mother Teresa

School Prayer
Lord, I thank you for bringing me to another day.
May I live it completely for You,
Through you,
With You and in you. Amen

Blessed John Henry Newman. V. Pray for Us

Daily Prayers- Friday, January 15

“Our real blessings often appear to us in the shape of pains, losses and disappointments; but let us have patience and we soon shall see them in their proper figures.” Joseph Addison

Reflection: In times of struggle, pain and anguish we sometimes look to God and ask, why? Why does this happen to me? What have I done to deserve this? Remember that God has created this path for you to test you, to challenge you. Stay strong and persevere and you will find the true meaning of life.

Prayer: Lord, make me more patient so I can hold on until you turn things around for my favour. This I ask through your son Jesus Christ, my friend and saviour. Amen. School Prayer Lord, I thank you for bringing me to another day. May I live it completely for You, Through you, With You and in you. Amen

Daily Prayer

Thursday, 14th January
“The king of love my shepherd is, whose goodness faileth never.
I nothing lack if I am his, and he is mine forever.”
Henry William Baker
Reflection: I did tell you, but you do not believe. The works I do in my Father’s name testify about me, but you do not believe because you are not my sheep. My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one will snatch them out of my hand. My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all no one can snatch them out of my Father’s hand. I and the Father are one.
Have you ever doubted the word of the Lord? What can we do to build our faith in him?
Prayer: Jesus, tender shepherd hear us, bless the staff and pupils of Cardinal Newman tonight, through the darkness please stay near us, keep us safe till morning light. Amen.

School Prayer
Lord, I thank you for bringing me to another day.
May I live it completely for You,
Through you,
With You and in you. Amen
Blessed John Henry Newman, Pray for Us.

Daily Prayers – Wednesday, 13th January

Feast of St Kentigern, Patron of Glasgow

“The heart that is generous and kind most resembles God.”

Robert Burns Reflection: When Jesus sacrificed himself on the cross for us, he cried out, “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.” Even after he was betrayed Christ still forgave his people. We should think to ourselves, do we forgive our friends, family or peers when they do wrong? Is there any point to hold a grudge? We should all remember to love one and other as Jesus loved us.

Prayer: Holy Spirit, help all of us to forgive people who have hurt us. Heal our emotions that have been wounded and teach us how to love unconditionally. Continue to extend your love and mercy toward us to remind us to use your power of living. Amen.

School Prayer Lord, I thank you for bringing me to another day. May I live it completely for You, Through you, With You and in you. Amen

Blessed John Henry Newman, Pray for Us. St Kentigern, Pray for Us.

Daily Prayers

Prayer for Tuesday 12 January

Reflection: With the senior pupils of CNHS about to start getting ready for their prelim SQA qualifications, they are beginning to prepare their work and study over notes.
Take a moment and think to yourself, am I giving ‘this’ my all? Could I do more?
Should I watch less television and study a little more?
Could I stop taking my phone out all the time?
Work hard and you will be rewarded.
Prayer: God of Love, you are with us in every transition and change. As we enter into this new era with excitement and even some anxiety, we recall your deep compassion, presence, and abounding love. We thank you for the gifts, talents and skills with which you have blessed us. We thank you for the experiences that have brought us to this moment. We thank you for the work of others that gives breadth and depth to our own work. Be with us as we move forward, rejoicing with you and supporting one another. We ask this in your Holy Name. Amen.
School Prayer
Lord, I thank you for bringing me to another day.
May I live it completely for You,
Through you,
With You and in you. Amen
Blessed John Henry Newman, Pray for Us.

Daily Prayers

Monday, 11th January 2016
“The more we let God take us over, the more truly ourselves we become – because he made us. He invented us. He invented all the different people that you and I were intended to be. It is when I turn to Christ, when I give up myself to his personality, that I first begin to have a real personality of my own.”
C.S. Lewis

Reflection: Do you allow yourself to be taken over by God? Do you ask for his help and forgiveness in times of struggle, anxiety or when you feel everything in the world is going wrong? In this New Year, talk to god. Ask him to guide you through your troubles. Ask him to help those in need. Then you are opening your mind to his wisdom and way of life.

School Prayer
Lord, I thank you for bringing me to another day.
May I live it completely for You,
Through you,
With You and in you. Amen
Blessed John Henry Newman, Pray for Us.