Daily Prayer

Reflecprayer piction – A time for everything
Life can sometimes feel so busy that we pass each day and week in a flash of ‘to do’ lists and never ending deadlines. Fitting time to pray alone can often be put in the ‘I will do that next’ category and it never really arrives. Conversations with our friends at school and home; social media in its many forms even when our parents think we are sleeping, cause us to forget how important it is to sit still and communicate our prayers to our Lord.

Prayer – Lord, in you I trust.
Lord allow us to follow the advice of St Francis de Sales and place prayer as a priority in our busy lives. May know the healing peace of quiet prayer time and share with one another the benefits of our time in prayer. Sometimes the need to do everything that is asked of us crams our life to the full. Sometimes we waste time on our many electronic gadgets engaging in a cyber-reality when our time could be spent more effectively communicating with you. Help us to learn that our prayers can be in the form of a conversation with a true friend.

School Prayer
Lord, I thank you for bringing me to another day.
May I live it completely for You,
Through you,
With You and in you. Amen

For Canon Glackin
Eternal Rest, grant unto him O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon him, may he rest in peace.