YEAR GROUP ASSEMBLIES S5/6 – Monday 21st March, Period 6 S1 – Tuesday 22nd March, Period 1 S2 – Wednesday 23rd March, Period 1 S3 – Thursday 24th March, Period 1 GOOD LEARNING ALERTS We are encouraged to ask for help, do our best and not give up. S4, S5 & S6 STUDENTS SITTING SQA EXAMS Important SQA information has been issued at assemblies last week. If you did not get it please collect from Mrs Anderson. DRESS DOWN DAY Thursday 24th March will be a dress down day, in aid of Vision Africa. Bring your £1 and come as you please. Remember, you must bring your school bag. No football tops or inappropriate clothing! Let’s head into Easter raising funds for a superb

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Jesus Christ Superstar

                    This week the Shine musical theatre group from Carluke have been performing “Jesus Christ Superstar” at the Motherwell Civic Centre. The show is the modern adaptation and was wonderfully performed by an array of talented individuals from schools across North and South Lanarkshire. The two leads however have a connection with Coltness High School with former pupil Scott Fleming playing the main role of Jesus in his usual fantastic and charismatic manner. The show however was stolen by Judas played by current pupil Scott Reid who was absolutely and utterly fantastic in the role! Other pupils involved who played their part in the show wonderfully were Jemma Maule, Alex Reid, Emily Davie, Abigail

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Take the stress out of results day. Get your results sent at 8am on 9th August by text or e-mail. www.mysqa.info Follow the link below for more information on how to prepare for your exams. www.sqa.org.uk


GOOD LEARNING ALERTS We show respect for each other. COLTNESS MOVIE AFTERNOON – S1 &S2 There will be a movie afternoon on Thursday 24th March, period 5-7 in the school theatre. Any S1 and S2 pupils interested can buy a ticket from Miss McAndrew at morning intervals in the Pupil Support base (languages corridor). Tickets are £3 and will be on sale for two weeks in the lead up to the event. Get your ticket fast so you’re not left disappointed! They will sell out fast! A snack stall will be there on the day so you can buy some munchies to enjoy the complete movie experience. All proceeds will go to Vision Africa, so come along, kick back and enjoy a movie

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Reading Mission

Congratulations to another of Miss MacLeod’s pupils for completing his Reading Mission. The aim of this mission was to challenge himself to widen his reading choice and read more books for pleasure. All of Miss MacLeod’s other pupils are also on their way to completing their Reading Missions.   Written by Mrs Leckie.  

Political Literacy Event

Prior to the event, pupils worked hard researching their chosen debate topic “Schools could do more to tackle mental health issues”, choosing to argue for the motion. They also worked hard discovering what our school does to promote political literacy through pupil voice and debates throughout the school, creating a colourful and informative display board to showcase at the event. On the day we were given the opportunity to use the Motherwell Council Chambers for the debates, and all pupils from North Lanarkshire schools had the opportunity to be involved. Our S2 pupils very eloquently argued for their motion, including some excellent points about what schools could do more of to tackle mental health issues. The opposing argument came from a senior pupil.

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Congratulations David Turnbull and Motherwell FC U20s

On Sunday Motherwell FC U20s booked their place in the U20 Scottish Cup Final at Hampden on the 27th April with a comprehensive 3 0 victory over Ross County at Victoria Park. Our very own former pupil David Turnbull scoring two of the goals. Highlights of the game can be viewed on the following link: Semi final highlights


GOOD LEARNING ALERTS Everyone is on time and ready to learn together. GET THE SAVINGS HABIT! £££ The school Credit Union is now open. Deposits (minimum 50p) can be made every Tuesday lunchtime in the School Foyer near the buddy booths. Several 1st and 2nd Year pupils now have an account. If you would like to open one please ask Mr Gallagher or Mrs Bihet who will arrange the forms. Also, if any senior pupil would like to help out in the Credit Union please ask Mr Gallagher. It will be great experience to put on your CV! NB Coltness High Credit Union is linked to Wishaw Credit Union. EASTER SCHOOL 2016 Easter School – Tuesday 5th, Wednesday 6th and Thursday 7th April. Any

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We Baked for Books

As part of this year’s World Book Day celebration, Mrs Leckie’s Book Group raised £75.20 to send to Book Aid International by having a Bake Sale. Book Aid International is a charity dedicated to increasing access to books and libraries in Sub-Saharan Africa and the Occupied Palestinian Territories. Since 1954, the charity has sent more than 32 million books to libraries in the developing world. Each year, Book Aid International ships up to one million brand new books to libraries in Africa. Well done to Kerry Campbell, Caitlin Laing, Robert Langford, Amy Kelly and Abby Green for all their effort.                           Written by Mrs Leckie.