Parental Engagement Survey

The recently published Education Scotland Act 2016 and the HGIOS4 both contain dedicated sections which emphasise the need for schools and parents to work effectively to enhance pupil progress and school improvement. To that end two surveys have been created for schools and parents to reflect and comment on current practice and suggest how parental engagement might be improved. Please find attached a survey, we would appreciate if you would complete this by 30th September. The survey is available through Survey Monkey at the following link: Written by Mr McGilp.  



YEAR GROUP ASSEMBLIES S1 – Monday 19th September, Period 1 S2 – Monday 19th September, Period 3 S3 – Monday 19th September, Period 2 S4 – Tuesday 20th September, Period 7 S5 – Tuesday 20th September, Period 5 S6 – Monday 19th September, Period 5 GOOD LEARNING ALERTS We get the chance to discuss tasks with our neighbour as this helps our understanding and builds our confidence.

Tempest Photography 3rd October 2016

Advance notice that Tempest Photography will be in school on Monday 3rd October to take official photographs of our new S1 and our current S4 pupils. Pupils to make sure they look super smart that day!! Written by Mr Farr.



GOOD LEARNING ALERTS We are encouraged to ask for help, do our best and not give up. S1 BOYS FOOTBALL TRIALS The S1 Football trials will be held on Monday 12th September at 4:00pm on the Astro-Turf. S2 FOOTBALL TRIALS The second S2 football trial will be held on Wednesday 14th September after school. The list of boys can be found outside Mr Early and Mr McInally’s rooms. ROTARY CLUB The Rotary club will meet in Mr Early’s room on Wednesday at 12:50pm. Anyone interested please come along, all years welcome. Make friends, have fun and gain new skills! COMIC CLUB The Comic Club will meet on Thursdays at lunchtime in Mr Early’s room. Everyone welcome! BARCELONA TRIP JUNE 2017 All pupils who have shown an interest in

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P7 Open Evening

To start the Transitions work this session, there will be an Open Evening at Coltness HS on Wednesday 14th September from 7pm-8.30pm for the P7 parents and pupils of our associated Primary Schools. There will be a short briefing session in the Assembly Hall before guests will be given a tour of the different departments within the school, to see displays and examples of the excellent work that takes place on a daily basis. We look forward to seeing you there. Mr. Farr

Reduce Speed!

The saying is ‘Twenty’s Plenty’ but we would urge parents to keep their speed to a bare minimum and a lot lower than this as they approach the school on Mossland Drive in particular, Coltness Road and any surrounding streets. Just remember it could be your child crossing the street!!    

Parent Council Vacancies

A Parent Council for Coltness High School was established in accordance with the Scottish Schools (Parental Involvement) Act 2006. Its objectives are as per its constitution. There are presently vacancies on Coltness High School Parent Council. I would advise you that as a member of the school’s Parent Forum, you are entitled to put yourself forward for membership of the Parent Council. If you are interested in becoming a member of the Parent Council, please complete and return the attached reply slip by no later than Tuesday 20th September 2016. Please note that if the number of interested parents exceeds the number of places available then members will be decided by an election process. If you require any further information, please do not

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North Lanarkshire Walking Festival

The North Lanarkshire Walking Festival will take place from 23rd – 26th September 2016. For more information please follow the link below.  


GOOD LEARNING ALERTS We show respect to each other. S1 BOYS FOOTBALL TRIALS The S1 Football trials will be held on Monday 12th September at 4:00pm on the Astro-Turf. YOUNG AMBASSADORS & SPORTS SPECIFIC AMBASSDORS S3 to S6 pupils are invited to apply to be Young Ambassadors and Sports Specific Ambassadors. Presentations took place at assemblies this week and all interested pupils received application forms, can these please be returned to Joanne Cuthbertson in the Sports Barn by Wednesday 7th September. Successful applicants shall attend conferences later this term and shall start work promoting and developing sporting opportunities in their chosen sport within the school and wider community. DALZIEL RUGBY CLUB Dalziel Rugby Club invite all S1 and 2 pupils to attend Barbarians

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Dalziel Rugby Club

Dalziel Rugby Club invite all S1 and S2 pupils to attend Barbarians squad training sessions on a Wednesday night starting on the 7th September. A free bus shall leave the school at 3.30pm taking pupils to Dalziel Park where they will train with pupils from 8 local secondary schools. The bus shall return players back to the school for 5.45pm. No previous experience of rugby is necessary as the club coaches will train your on all aspects of the game. For further information or to get a consent form please see Joanne Cuthbertson, Active Schools Coordinator or Daniel Bartlett, S5 Rugby Ambassador.