list of raffle prizes winners final Dear Parent/Carer Grand Raffle 2024 Apologies it has taken us so long to give you an update on the Grand Raffle, but we were still trying to track down the remaining Prize Winners before making an announcement. The net profit for the raffle was £5376.86 with the cost of the TV and the raffle booklets themselves the only outlay for the event. Please find attached a list of the prize winners. Kindest regards John McGilp Head Teacher
Author Archives: Mr Stratton
S4 PRELIM EXAM TIMETABLE Assessments begin on Monday 2nd December 2024 Candidates must attend school as normal. There is NO study leave Candidates will follow their normal timetable when they do not have assessments Candidates must attend exams promptly, with equipment, at least 10 minutes before assessment starts SQA rules will be applied by invigilators – please listen carefully to all instructions Please Note: PE live performance day 1 – you will be notified by your teacher Fashion & Textiles & Practical Cookery practical – see staff for date Admin and IT in class – see staff for date Nat 4 Science – in class see teacher for date Please highlight/underline all your assessments Bags must be left at front – no pencil
S56 mid-term assessment Assessments begin on Friday 10th January 2025. Candidates must attend school as normal during the assessments. There is NO study leave. Candidates will follow their normal timetable when they do not have assessments. Candidates must attend assessments promptly, with equipment, etc. Please Note: You will be notified of practical and class based assessments by teacher Please highlight/underline all your assessments One way system will be in operation – enter from canteen and leave by PE corridor Bags must be left at front – no pencil cases on desk Seats will be allocated by number – look on assessment notice board in social area Bring 2 or 3 pens – NO PENCILS ALLOWED Do not leave the assessment room until permission
Glow License Changes – Accessing O365 from Personal Devices
Guidance for the use of O365 on personal devices for NLC staff and pupils Last year, Microsoft announced that the A1 Plus license, the option supported through Glow, is to come to an end. The timelines on this have varied but it has now finally been confirmed by Glow that this will happen for NLC by the end of November 2024. The changes should have little to no affect for NLC staff and pupils. NLC have purchased upgraded A3 Faculty licensing for staff, which effectively provides the same benefits as the A1 plus, including up to 5 downloads of O365 for personal device use. You should not see any changes to how you access O365 from within schools or on school devices but
Your National Qualifications
@sqanews has published new information on everything learners, parents and carers need to know about completing coursework and preparing for exams. Download Your National Qualifications now – The latest resource from @sqanews has everything you need to know about completing coursework – from word counts and deadlines to using A.I. It also covers important information about #SQAexams. Download Your National Qualifications:
Senior Transition Event
Click to access Senior-Transition-Event24-UCAS-DYW-College-slides.pdf