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On Friday 15th September the school continued its literacy celebrations with an S1 Literacy Day.   The highlight of the day was an author visit from award-winning Scottish author Cathy MacPhail.   Pupils were brought to the school assembly hall where they listened to Cathy talk about her creative inspiration and her many books.   Cathy was also happy to answer questions from the pupils about her life as a writer.   S1 pupils also participated in ‘Literacy across the Curriculum’ lessons during their time at the Modern Languages and Social Subjects Departments.   The celebrations were rounded off with a literacy themed quiz which saw S1 representatives from the school’s four house groups test their knowledge of children’s literature, spelling, grammar and general knowledge.   All teams participated well but it was Loren house who proved victorious with pupils being awarded a book token and sweets for their efforts.

Celebrating Success Trip

100 pupils and staff recently visited Blackpool Pleasure Beach as part of our celebrating success program which promotes positive behaviour and attendance at school. Departing school at 6:30am, the pupils all had a wonderful day out riding “the big one” the UK’s tallest roller-coaster, revolution the UK’s first looping coaster as well as the flying machines, ghost train and dodgems…

Literacy Event

The school kicked off its Literacy celebrations, to mark International Literacy Day, on Friday 8th September, with a fantastic author visit from Alex Nye in the library. 

S3 English were an excellent audience; listening intently to Alex as she talked of her books and career as a writer, and asking lots of questions, such as: “If you didn’t write ghost stories what genre would you write?”, or “What books inspired you as a young person?”, and “Do you have a fixed place where you write or can you write anywhere?”  Alex was very inspiring and pupils (and staff) thoroughly enjoyed her visit.


Congratulations to all our staff and pupils who made our ‘Variety for Malawi’ show such a success this year.   The show was in aid of our newly established Malawi group and all proceeds were donated to the project.   Over 40 pupils worked extremely hard over the last few months preparing and perfecting their performances and certainly wowed the audience and judges on the night.   We were also delighted to have representatives from the local primaries.   All pupils and staff were treated to a post-show lunch the following day to celebrate their efforts and overall success of the night.

The Malawi group have raised over £400 since March this year which has been a tremendous effort and great start to the project.

Post-show lunch


On Wednesday 7th June the annual Braidhurst prom took place at Dalziel Park Hotel.   Pupils met at the school, dressed in their finery, to be transported by bus to the venue.   Once inside guests were treated to a delicious 3 course meal, followed by an awards ceremony presented by Mr Hamilton and Dr Gardner and then entertainment from a local DJ.   Throughout the evening everyone had the opportunity to take lots of photographs to mark the special occasion.   As usual the prom was a great success with many staff also in attendance to say their goodbyes to those pupils who are moving on.   All pupils had a great evening and made memories that will last a lifetime.


On Saturday 3rd June pupils and staff from the school climbed Scotland’s highest mountain Ben Nevis to raise funds for St Andrew’s Hospice.   The weather was kind and everyone made it safely to the top and back down again.   A huge congratulations to everyone that conquered the ‘Munro’ and raised money for such a worthy cause.