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NLC Excellence and Equity Awards

The awards keep coming for Braidhurst high S4 pupil Melissa Rodger, who recently received the Pupils Leading Learning award at the North Lanarkshire Excellence and Equity Awards ceremony, held in the Civic Theatre. Melissa was also given the honour of the vote of thanks to close the event.

In front of many stakeholders in education she thanked all who attended from the host Heather Reid OBE, Isabelle Boyd CBE to Sir John Jones who gave an inspirational setting the scene seminar.

It has been a busy year for this Braidhurst High School student as she has had to, balance the success of receiving several awards, including the Princess Diana Award which is given to young citizens who have had a positive impact in the lives of young people, to her work in meeting the Scottish Governments desire to encourage the uptake of Science, Engineering, Technology, Mathematics (STEM), and keeping up with her school work for the SQA exams.

Well done to this very hard working and committed student.

National 4 Skills for work program

36 Braidhurst pupils recently spent the week at Forgewood community center where they undertook a variety of skills for work training courses and qualifications.

The pupils have gained experience and qualifications in First Aid, Food Hygiene, communication skills, team building, Army Personal Development as well an introduction to SFA Early Touches, Credit Union and positive destinations, all of which will be useful employability skills which can be utilised in the world of work.

The pupils are now undertaking up to 3 weeks of work experience while other pupils sit their SQA exams.

S3 BGE Graduation Ceremony

On Wednesday 2nd May, S3 pupils celebrated being Successful Learners in Braidhurst High School, graduating from the Broad General Education Phase (S1 – S3) to the Senior Phase (S4 – S6).  The focus of the Ceremony was Celebrating Success with an emphasis on the young learners’ career journeys in applying skills for learning, skills for life and skills for work.

Alongside first-class musical entertainment from the Performing Arts Department, the pupils heard from our S3 World of Work Ambassadors and a panel of invited guests.  Karen Baird and Emma Baird, former pupils, shared their career journey as owners of Funtastica, a thriving local business comprising of a gift shop, coffee shop and dance studio. We were delighted to welcome them back to their old school.  Joseph Martin, school Career Adviser, shared valuable information on his role in supporting pupils in the senior phase.  Pauline O’Neill, Continuous Improvement Officer for NLC had recently visited the school to see Developing Young Workforce in action, and we were delighted that she could join us to celebrate and encourage our young people in their journey.  Our final speaker, Kieran Aitken, Managing Director of Orbit Enterprise Education and young entrepreneur, shared his inspirational success story with the graduates. Kieran’s current venture is to encourage, inspire and support the next generation of Scottish entrepreneurs to create the businesses and jobs of tomorrow.  We look forward to working with Kieran again in the near future.

Thanks to all staff involved in organising such a successful, inspiring event celebrating the progress and achievements of your young people in the BGE phase.  We look forward to celebrating the same success as pupils progress into the senior phase.

Celebrating Success Committee


On Wednesday 18th April the school’s girl football teams were in action at the Soccer Sevens tournament at Hamilton Palace Football Centre.  Both the ‘A’ and the ‘B’ team were successful in qualifying for their regional finals with the ‘A’ team also winning the Lanarkshire Cup.  Well done.


Congratulations to the school’s dance troupe who recently competed at the North Lanarkshire Dance competition where they won two silver medals and a gold medal.  A fantastic effort from all involved.


Senior pupils Emma Ewart and Christopher Duncan have been continuing their fundraising efforts this year for St Andrew’s Hospice and recently sold items, including keyrings, lip balms, pens, torches and jars of sweets, to pupils from the stall they set up in the foyer at lunchtime.  By the Easter holidays they had managed to raise over £200 which is a fantastic effort.  Emma and Christopher are also helping to organise the school’s upcoming Ben Nevis trek to raise more money for the hospice.


The Modern Languages Department held its annual Easter Egg competition and pupils were asked to decorate an egg and label it in a foreign language. The response was excellent and it was difficult to choose winners.  First prize was awarded to 1L pupil Sophie McCallum with her Humpty Dumpty sur le mur’, second prize was given to Rebecca Davidson for  ‘On fête Pâques à la campagne’ and third prize was won by Thomas Hogg of 1L for his egg ‘Madame Magowan’ ( PT Modern Languages).  The most eggs submitted were by Morven House, followed by Lorne, Atholl and Rannoch. All entries gained points for their house. There were also excellent submissions from the Hub group, under the tutelage of Madame Currie and also the Modern Languages for Life and Work class taught by Mrs McKenna.  The department was most impressed by the imagination and commitment of the pupils who entered and would like to wish them all a ‘Frohe Ostern!’