S1 Outdoor Classroom 2018

A highlight of the school calendar for S1 pupils is the Outdoor Classroom project, and this years was no different. On Wednesday 16th May until Friday 18th May all S1 pupils were released from their regular school timetable to take part in an inter-disciplinary project delivered by a variety of departments in the school. The theme of the project was all about problem solving skills. The pupils were given the opportunity to take part in 7 different activities across the three days, which took place both in Braidhurst High school and at Strathclyde Park. Departments who gave input at this year’s event were: Technical with Bridge Building, P.E. with Team Building, Art with a Leaf Project, French with a Toure de Parc, Maths with Orienteering, Biology with Habitat Sampling and P.E. with Watersports.

This year’s project will also go towards S1 pupils achieving The John Muir Award. One pupil reported that “they had the best time and learned a lot”. A huge congratulations to all pupils who were involved, particularly for their excellent behaviour and representation of Braidhurst High school.

CLICK HERE for photos from Bridge Building 2018