Tag Archives: home

Supporting children during unsettled times

Dear Parents /Carers

Following advice from the Scottish Government to close educational establishment today, we fully recognise that from today children and young people may be at home for a long period of time and we have produced a suite of materials to support their learning – further information about materials will be sent to you in due course.

Understandably, this is an unsettling time for children, young people and their carers and many people will be feeling anxious about the current situation and the impact that it may have on the health and wellbeing of family, friends and colleagues.

For this reason we have also included information to help you reassure your child.  Many of these resources have been developed in collaboration with South Lanarkshire Council.  The attached document provides some advice and guidance.

We will continue to up-date this resource and ensure that it is widely available online.  You will be notified of these updates next week.

Thank you for your on-going support during these challenging times.


Derek Brown

Executive Director

Please click to view/ download: Supporting Children Interactive

Braidhurst Food Bank: update

Following on from earlier in the week, if there is anyone in our local school community who still needs supplies at this time of need then please phone the school and let us know. There is also a supply of sanitary products available should you require them. We will try our best to get supplies to you ASAP. Braidhurst number is 01698 274999


The school’s Modern Languages department bid a fond farewell to German assistant Annegret Landgraf. Ms Graham, Principal teacher of Modern Languages, commented thanked Annegret for all of her hard work with the pupils and her wonderful resources. The school would also like to wish Annegret a safe journey home to Germany.

Barcelona Trip update

We are currently liaising with the travel company and NLC regarding our trip to Barcelona.  At present the trip is not cancelled but very unlikely to go on original dates.  Discussions are ongoing regarding arrangement and we will keep you updated with further news when we get it.  In the meantime we will not take further payments.  Please check school website and @braidhurstPE on twitter for further updates.”


The school is open as usual tomorrow, Thursday 19th April and Friday 20th March.

S4/5/6 should, where possible, attend to ensure they are working to complete assignments and to prepare for their exams.

More information to follow as soon as we receive it.

Braidhurst Food Bank

At a time of crisis our community values and strength lead us to think of and act on behalf of our most at need and vulnerable. While the next few weeks may well be challenging for many of us, for some the prospects are extremely bleak. Therefore we invite you to hand in to the school office tinned and dried goods that we can then distribute to those who we know would benefit from your generosity. This could include:

  • Tinned fruit
  • Tea bags
  • Dried Pasta
  • UHT Milk
  • Breakfast Cereals

Basically anything non-perishable would be very useful. Please offer whatever you can and either hand it into the office or a member of teaching staff from Wednesday morning onwards.

Your help as always is greatly appreciated and hopefully together we can make a small difference.