The girls had their first outing of the year on Wednesday with the first round of fixtures in the North Lanarkshire 7-a-side leagues taking place at St Andrews High School in Coatbridge.   Both the junior and senior teams competed in fixtures against other North Lanarkshire schools in their respective leagues.   The junior team came away with three victories from five with the seniors wining one and drawing one from their four fixtures.   It was a very good start to the season with all the girls giving a good account of themselves.   Well done!   The girls are now looking forward to an away trip to Galashiels at the start of November in the first round of the u18 shield.


On Tuesday 1st November there will be a parent’s evening for the parents of pupils in fourth year.   Appointments with teaching staff begin at 4 pm in the school hall and will run through until 6.30 pm.   Parents and carers of our fourth year pupils are strongly encouraged to attend so that crucial information on pupil progress with the National 4/5 qualifications can be shared.


Braidhurst High School Art & Design pupils have been excitedly preparing decorative panels for the Hallowe’en Disco.   Pupils have worked alongside Art Teachers, Miss Galloway and Mr Clifford to paint Hallowe’en scenes, which were used to add a spooky feel to the disco on Wednesday 26th October.

Road Safety Competition

First and Second Year pupils from Braidhurst High Art and Design department are entering this year’s North Lanarkshire Road Safety Calendar competition.
They have come up with some slogans on a positive road safety theme and have developed many creative visual ideas to illustrate their work. The pupils have thoroughly enjoyed laying out their poster ideas and are looking forward in the hope that they will be successful when the time for judging the competition comes around.


A group of third year pupils, Kyle Douglas, Jay Connelly and Dale Clark, are taking part in this year’s Macmillan Cancer Support’s ‘Brave the Shave’, which raises funds to help support those affected by cancer.   The boys’ efforts are part of a wider charity drive organised by their youth football club Mill United, and not only will they be shaving their heads, but they have also organised a raffle.   Prizes include the chance to experience a guided tour of Celtic Park or Ibrox.   They are also organising a penalty shoot-out and a bake sale to raise money for such a worthy cause.



This year’s group of house captains have been chosen after being nominated by their peers and interviewed by pupil support teachers.   Representing their houses are:-

Amy Dishington and Jamie Lee Brennan for Atholl

Cameron Dickson and Chelsea Dykes for Lorne

Toni Jaye Knox and Maggie Baird for Morven, and

Tegan Quinton and Linzi McFarlane for Rannoch.

The house captains are expected to represent their house group within school and in the wider community and help to lead the organisation of the school’s inter-house event programme.


To celebrate the ‘European Day of Languages’ pupils took part in a range of activities, including: playing French boules in PE, making French crepes in Home Economics, singing French and German songs in Music, and learning some Gaelic.  Pupils also experienced their Science lesson being delivered in French and German by Dr Gardner whilst in the Modern Languages Department pupils created a ‘Wall of Hands’ around the school foyer of words and phrases in a number of European Languages.   The school Hub staff served a French breakfast to pupils and canteen menus were translated into French and German.   Help was on hand from S1 Gaelic speaker Niamh Miller, native French speakers Steven Vincent (S1) and Charlene Brandt (S2), and from Matei Lupascu (S2) who is from Romania, but is learning French and also speaks Greek!   All pupils thoroughly enjoyed the wide variety of activities and the chance to learn some words in other European Languages.


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