Inter House Events

The first inter-house events of 2018 took place on Thursday afternoon. Over 350 pupils took part in a variety of sports, quizzes and of course our annual “bake off” and “Minute to Win It” Events.

The competition was fiercely contested with Atholl and Rannoch house tying for first place. Well done to all the pupils who were involved in this fantastic afternoon of house events.

Events are scored:

  • 1st: 4 points
  • 2nd: 3 points
  • 3rd: 2 points
  • 4th: 1 Point

See below for total’s so far:

EVENT Atholl Lorne Morven Rannoch
Football 1 4 3 2
Dodgeball 3 1 2 4
Table Tennis 4 2 1 3
Bake Off 2 1 3 4
Minute to Win It 4 1 4 2
Music Quiz 3 4 1 2
Total 17 13 14 17



Ten lucky first year students from Braidhurst High School were recently invited along by North Lanarkshire Council to the launch of the Read to Succeed programme aiming to make reading for pleasure a priority.   The launch took place at Coatbridge High School and was attended by award-winning author Theresa Breslin.   All pupils attending received a free, signed book by the author as part of the Attainment Challenge and poignant extracts from Ms Breslin’s book Remembrance were read during the event.   Ms Breslin said “I was thrilled to be asked to launch North Lanarkshire Council’s Read to Succeed Project.   There was a wonderfully uplifting atmosphere in the school hall and it was a joy to meet students and staff so keen to get involved and take forward this exciting project.   Providing a wide variety of books and giving every single S1 pupil the opportunity to engage with an author, makes this project truly special.   Such reach and depth will create and sustain readers, improving aspirations and attainment”.   As part of Read to Succeed, Braidhurst will receive an author visit from Philip Caveney (aka Danny Weston).


Former pupil Louise Coletta recently visited the Modern Languages Department in Braidhurst High School.   Louise studied French and German to Advanced Higher Level in the school and for the last two years, she has continued her studies at Glasgow University, adding Italian and Spanish to her repertoire of linguistic competencies.   She is extremely excited to be leaving next week to spend a year in Strasbourg, where she will teach English in a school there.   As Strasbourg is on the German border, Louise is looking forward to using her German language skills through exploring the country in her free time, as well as spending time getting to know Strasbourg itself.  Her teachers are delighted for Louise and very proud of her achievements so far.   Louise assured them that she will keep in touch and it is hoped that classes in Braidhurst can set up a correspondence with the pupils in Louise’s school.


Braidhurst High School, joined the North Lanarkshire ‘Aiming Higher in Malawi’ project in March 2017. The project linked Braidhurst with a school in Malawi called MisanJo CDSS (Community Day Secondary School). The CDSS schools are the poorest schools in Malawi. The main drive of the project is to improve the attendance of girls and disabled children in secondary education. We also worked with the ‘Girls go for Health’ programme which aims to encourage girls to go to school and provide them with materials to sustain their educational journey. In Malawi, education is pivotal to survival and the rate of girls progressing into high school from primary school is very low.  One of the reasons for girls dropping out school is that when girls go through their menstrual cycle, they are not equipped to manage themselves in school and fear the embarrassment from their peers – so they drop out of school.

In preparation for our visit, the Malawi ambassadors visited ‘Sew Confident’, in Bothwell, to make reusable sanitary towels. Since joining the programme, Braidhurst’s Malawi committee organised over 30 fundraising events including: bake sales, bag packing, car washes, tin collections at football games, variety shows and race nights. In advance of their visit to Malawi the committee managed to raise over £15,000 in 18 months which allowed them to donate to specific projects on our visit, for example, including sponsoring individual families with disabled children. We flew to Malawi for 10 days along with 6 other schools in North Lanarkshire in June. The main focus of the visit was our partnership school, MisanJo CDSS where we met all staff and their 400+ pupils.

During the visit Malawi ambassadors painted a classroom and planted a vegetable garden. The group also paired with MIYO brand, a printing company in Motherwell, who provided us with clothing to wear whilst painting the classrooms. KIER Construction also donated protective clothing for our visit. The head teacher at Misanjo CDSS, Elias, was absolutely over the moon with our efforts. Other activities that our Malawi group led was the delivery of lessons on first aid and heart start. We played netball and football with them too after we donated football strips from Motherwell F.C and the Scottish Football Association.

In Mulanje, Malawi, we visited the Assessment Centre at the U5 Disabled Camp where young mothers take their disabled children to be weighed and assessed. Our pupils engaged with all the mothers and children and enjoyed helping to feed the babies, giving out stickers, and playing games. We also visited the Tailoring factory where our ambassadors were able to purchase items made by the mothers of the disabled children. Our pupils also visited Blantyre Prison where they performed some musical pieces for the prisoners and also watched a singing and dancing display performed by the inmates. The visit aside, the trip provided our children with a greater appreciation of a developing country such as Africa, a level of poverty that we have never seen.  Our pupils who not only went on the trip, but our committee of 40+ pupils at Braidhurst High School of pupils from S1-6, developed a greater sense of global citizenship and appreciation of a wider world and culture.

New Absence Management Procedures

Dear Parent/Carer,

As previously stated, ensuring the highest levels of attendance is of paramount importance to us at Braidhurst High School and we have the expectation that absence from school will be a rare occurrence.  In the event of unavoidable absence, the procedures for reporting this are outlined below;

  • On the first day of absence, please contact the school by telephone on 01698 274999 or e-mail, advising pupil name, class, reason for absence and expected length of absence.
  • Should the absence last longer than indicated you must repeat the process outlined above.
  • If you fail to notify the school of your child’s absence, it is likely that you will receive a text message followed by a phone call from their Principal Teacher of Pupil Support, for you to clarify the reason for this.
  • On return to school, Absence Notes should be posted into the Absence Notes Post Boxes, located in the Foyer and Guidance Base.
  • Permitted Absences should be arranged at least 24hrs in advance and can be obtained from the school’s office staff. A signed note or e-mail will be required to authorise a Permitted Absence.

Please be advised that any pupil, whose attendance gives cause for concern, will be discussed at the school’s Attendance Management Meetings and appropriate support measures will be put in place following this.

If you wish to discuss this matter further, please do not hesitate to contact your child’s Principal Teacher of Pupil Support.

Yours faithfully,

Mrs Rooney

Head Teacher

Summer School 2018

The school hosted its annual Summer Transition Programme from Wednesday 8th August until Friday 10th August.  A group of twenty young people took part in a wide range of curricular activities including robotics, trampolining and healthy cooking.  The Summer Programme helps ease the transition from primary to secondary and gives young people the opportunity to meet new friends, members of staff and find their way around the school building before the start of term.  On the final day the group went to Blair Drummond Safari Park for a day of fun. On Friday 24th August the pupils came together for a final celebration where they received their certificates and showcased a presentation of the activities they took part in during Summer School.  The pupils and families were supported by Linda McGurk, Home School Partnership Officer and a large group of school staff.

Summer transition project with Reeltime music


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