The Modern Languages Department recently celebrated the European Day of Languages with pupils taking part in a variety of activities as part of their celebrations.

S1 pupils engaged in an inter-house ‘Who Want to Be a Millionaire?’ competition in French, with the winners being Morven House who reached a million euros! S1 also made a wall mural of a sea of hands, each depicting a country with words of its language adorning the fingers.  In addition, they completed a quiz about famous European scientists made up by Biology teacher, Miss Watson.

S2 worked in pairs to create a poster of a European country of their choice They used iPads to research geographical, historical, cultural and culinary facts about the country, as well as some of the language. S3 and S4 pupils had great fun in the Home Economics Department making French pancakes according to a French recipe, and these tasted ‘delicieux’.

Other cross-curricular activities included an S2 French boules championship carried out in the PE Department by Mr Egan; an introduction to French mime delivered by Mrs Reilly in the Drama department; and Mrs Kinnaird of the English department organised a ’French words used in the English language’ group activity with her S1 class and excellent posters made by the pupils were displayed in the corridors.

In addition, the very brave Dr Gardner delivered a lesson in French to his National 5 Chemistry class and PT Science, Mr Campbell, taught a Biology lesson in French to his Higher class. Mrs Ballantyne incorporated German words and phrases into her teaching of the ‘World War 1’ topic with S2 and Mrs Hunter set her pupils a set of Maths challenges. They also played a board game involving translating sums from French to English.

In the IT Department, pupils played the online game ‘Kahoot’ in French and showed themselves to be extremely engaged, enthusiastic and competitive! Under the guidance of Miss Lennox, pupils with English as their second language produced guides to their country of birth and their mother tongue.

Pupils who attend the Hub played French and German games organised by Mrs Currie and were treated to a French breakfast! All pupils, as well as members of staff, across many curricular areas thoroughly enjoyed their experiences and have improved their knowledge of French, German and hopefully other languages in the process!


A group of S3 pupils recently attended the ‘Dragon’s Lair’ competition hosted by the Business Gateway at the Atrium Centre in Coatbridge. The pupils were bidding to win the prestigious Dragon’s Lair award for their business innovation, planning and marketing by submitting a business plan on their idea.  Good luck to all the pupils involved.


Braidhurst recently hosted their very first Connections Festival which celebrated Literacy and Health and Wellbeing over three days and involved every young person in S1 to S3. They participated in a range of events, including a series of fun and informative author sessions from novelists Alex Nye, Kirkland Ciccone, and Philip Caveney; selected pupils were participated in workshops which included taster sessions on: slam poetry, comic books, stand-up comedy, storytelling, healthy cookery, yoga, Brazilian drumming, music recording, mindfulness and meditation, football, dance, Internet Safety, Women’s Aid, reading with pets and Young Carers. It was an action-packed few days for pupils and was only made possible by the funding which was gratefully received from the Pupil Equity Fund.


Braidhurst pupil Darci Burns, who is a member of North Lanarkshire’s Schools’ pipe band, was recently credited with an award at a reception outside the Civic Centre as her band won the ‘Champions of Champions’ title for the best performances across all five major piping championships. The North Lanarkshire’s Schools’ pipe band have also been given the proud honour of marching down 6th Avenue in New York City as part of the annual celebration of Scottish culture in the Big Apple next April. Well done Darci.


On Wednesday 26th of September, the school hosted an information night for the School of Football programme.  Over 140 pupils and parents attended the event which gave everyone a greater insight into how the programme will function over the next few years.  The event included presentations from Jill Johnston a nutritionist from NL Leisure, Martyn Buckie from the Scottish Football Association and current Braidhurst pupil Jay Miller who spoke to pupils and parents about his experiences in the programme over the last three years.  The school canteen provided samples of healthy food to try.


The school has recently appointed several of our senior pupils to act as Mental Health Ambassadors over the coming school year. Due to the increasing awareness of mental health problems amongst young people across our local community, the school is determined to offer as much support as it can to our pupils, which includes the crucial introduction of this programme. Our ambassadors have been fully trained in various aspects of mental health and will begin by supporting the delivery of PSHE lessons to the S2 year group. We wish the pupils all the very best in this very important role.


The Maths department recently celebrated Maths Week Scotland.  Pupils participated in team problem solving challenges, including ‘Bowland Maths’ and ‘Maths wi Nae Borders’. Some of our S3 classes have been learning how the Egyptians, Greeks and Romans influenced Maths and some of our local P7s took part in our Practical Maths Challenge looking at problem solving, tolerance and measure whilst building mini football tables with jelly baby players. Our S2s have had fun participating in the National Sumdog contest. Braidhurst’s top 5 pupils, pictured below, are Chloe McKenzie, Marshall Lennox, Robbie Kennedy, Emily Dougan and Katie Morrison.

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