The Braidhurst High PTFA has organised a prize bingo evening for Wednesday 20th March starting at 7.30 pm. Entry is free and tea and cakes as well as entertainment have been arranged for the interval.
Art Pupils exhibit their work to a wider audience
Pupils from Braidhurst High School and nine other NLC secondary schools recently returned from an adventurous week at the Outward Bound Centre at Loch Eil, in the Highlands. The pupils were able to take part in a number of outdoor pursuits during their week away including raft building, rock climbing and hill walking. Each of the enjoyable activities allowed individual pupils to improve their self confidence and communication skills. The pupils had a ‘wonderful time and were all able to successfully achieve the Outward Bound Trust’s Adventure and Challenge Award (SCQF level 5) in addition to the John Muir Discovery Award.
Charity Staff recently held a coffee morning with home baking provided by Mrs Elizabeth Neilson. £150 was raised and this will be donated to Macmillan Nurses.
The Scottish FA held the first of their performance trials in the school for next year’s intake on Monday 18 February with another trial planned for Monday 4 March. Trials for the Scottish FA School of Football programme will take place after the Easter holidays. Further details are available from the school.
Braidhurst High was delighted to host the under 17 team from Northern Ireland last week when they played against the under 17 team from Motherwell FC. In an exciting game watched by a good crowd the game ended up a 1-1 draw. The Rector Mr Derrick Hannan said, “It was fantastic to host such a match and watch such great skill on display from both sides. The officials from Northern Ireland were really impressed with the entire set-up. The school is a Scottish FA School of Football and also a Performance School of Football with around 40 young players joining us each year for football education during the day. Motherwell FC Youth Academy is based in the school and use the facilities in the evening and weekends. The staff from Northern Ireland viewed the model as one they would dearly love to copy. They were splendid ambassadors for their country as were the youth players from Motherwell FC”.
On Monday 4th February Braidhurst High School’s S1 netball team played against Clyde Valley. Clyde Valley took an early lead but Braidhurst were quick to equalise. The game was very tight with both teams scoring goal for goal. Excellent interceptions from Goal Defence Lucy Blackwood provided Braidhurst with more attacking opportunities, allowing Braidhurst a two goal lead. The final score was 8-6 to Braidhurst.
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