The Modern Languages Department bade a sad farewell to their German assistant Miss Anja Woike last week. Anja had worked in the school for six months and during her time at Braidhurst, Anja was involved in a wide range of activities with the pupils and proved to be a very valuable and respected member of the department. She worked with National 4, National 5 and Higher German pupils, as well as assisting with the S2 German introductory sessions, PSE classes and Higher Geography students, as Anja studied Geography at university in Mainz in Germany. She now returns to Dusseldorf in Germany but she has assured the department that she will return to Scotland in the very near future, as she will miss the beautiful scenery and the Scottish hospitality. It goes without saying that members of the department intend visiting Anja in Germany too!
Recently HUB pupils visited the community care – open on Tuesdays from 11 am till 2 pm in North Motherwell Parish Church. All the volunteer staff at the café made them very welcome – the young people said that they felt at home as soon as they walked in. They enjoyed a roll and sausage and want to go back to sample the lemon curd cake and the fruit scones – all home made by café staff. They were chuffed to find out that only Fair Trade tea and coffee are sold and that all the goodies are really affordable. In the words of one pupil, the café is “right good” and “it should be open every day”.
of the Goethe Institute in Glasgow visited Braidhurst High School last week to
organise a ‘German Adventure’ morning for S2 pupils. Pupils were put into groups of four and were
required to ‘visit’ a number of cities in Germany, Austria and Switzerland and
to carry out prescribed tasks. The
group which covered the most cities and gained the most answers correct in the
shortest time won a prize. Tasks
included identifying famous brands of aftershave in German, finding words on a
giant wordsquare, looking at Facebook posts in German, cracking number codes
and learning about famous German manufacturers. They also had the opportunity to don German
wigs and hats to resemble German football fans at football matches. There was much frantic moving from room to
room as pupils carried out the tasks with zeal and determination.
winning group was Christopher Duncan, Shah Afzahl and Jordan Falconer from
class 2L. Pictured with them are Tammy
Smith, Kristy Speirs, Amber Waldron and Amy Marshall, who also won a prize for
remembering the code to unlock the ‘safe’.
pupils were complimented on their enthusiasm, excellent behaviour and
team-working skills. The pupils
thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to extend their knowledge of the culture of
German speaking countries and many hope to continue their study of German in
One of Braidhurst High School Art Department’s pupils, Nadene Traynor, gained an award in this year’s ‘My Place’ Photography competition. Her photograph of Glasgow in the rain was well liked by the judges and has been chosen to gain an award. The competition is run annually by The Scottish Civic Trust and Nadene will be presented with her award at the ceremony in the Lighthouse in Glasgow at the end of March.
S6 pupils Chloe Wishart, Azhar Khan and Mark Coletta recently completed their Peer Education qualification. They delivered a wide range of health related workshops to S1 pupils and discussed important issues such as positive self-image, mental health and good communication and team work techniques. The young people said they enjoyed learning something new from people nearer their own age as they could relate to them more easily. Linda McGurk, Partnership Officer who delivered the training said “The Peer Educators were very well organised in their delivery of the sessions and have learned new skills and experiences which I’m sure will be of great benefit to them in the nearfuture”.
Subject choice interviews with parents and pupils are almost complete. The Pupil Support staff have conducted these along with issuing subject reports and setting targets prior to the SQA examinations in May.
The Parent Teachers and Friends Association recently held a prize Bingo Evening in the school and raised almost £500 for the funds. This will go towards the Senior Prom to be held in the Popinjay Hotel in June.
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