All posts by Mr Hamilton

Right of the Month: Oct 2021


It is with great pleasure that the school introduces this year’s school captains. Iona was appointed School Captain with Louise, David and Andrew as Vice-Captains. The entire Braidhurst community would like to wish our Captains every success this year, and congratulations once again.

Family Support Drop In

Braidhurst High School will be running a drop in session for all Parent/Carers, especially targeting EAL families in Forgewood Community Centre on Thursday 30th September 1.30pm-3.30pm.

Parents will be able to access support and information on a range of topics including Free School Meals, Clothing Grants, Clubs and Activities, Financial Inclusion Team.

Senior pupils will be on hand to help translate and support families.

Right of the month: Sep 2021

Braidhurst’s Right of the Month is Article 14 is the Right to freedom of thought, belief & religion and is described as below :
Every child has the right to think and believe what they choose and also to practice their religion, as long as they are not stopping other people from enjoying their rights. Governments must respect the rights and responsibilities of parents to guide their child as they grow up.
Please take a minute to think about what this means to you and how we can show kindness to the people around us.

Update from HT

We have been delighted to welcome our pupils back to school this term.  We have had a very successful start with our pupils looking great in full school uniform.  This helps make them easily identifiable and brings a real sense of belonging.  The following provides an update to help keep you informed.

  1. Update on COVID procedures

As per guidelines, all pupils must wear a mask in school unless they are exempt.  If your child is exempt, you must provide a note for pupil support.  Please encourage your child to bring their own mask with them.  There are lots of hand sanitising machines around the school as well as bottles of hand sanitisers in classrooms.  Your child should use these regularly.

Lateral flow testing kits are available from the school office, and we encourage all pupils to use at least twice a week.  Your child must have returned a consent form to be able to receive one.

As a school we have erred on the side of caution throughout this pandemic.  Please do not send your child to school if they have Covid symptoms, been identified through track and trace as a close contact or have had a positive result from a lateral flow test.  You should book a PCR test as a matter of urgency.  Please keep us informed of all steps or if you need help or guidance.

  1. Future Friday

As you are aware we now finish at 12.30pm on a Friday.  There are various activities on a Friday afternoon throughout the school which your child is more than welcome to stay and enjoy.  These finish at 2.55pm.  If your child wishes to participate, they should speak to Mr Pryde (PE) to sign up.

  1. Data Forms/Flu Vaccination

All data forms, ICT returns etc. (which were issued during the holidays) should have been returned to the school.  It is important that we have the most up to date contact details in case of an emergency.  This is the last year when Annual Data Checks will be issued on paper, in future you will be responsible for updating your child’s record via North Lanarkshire Council’s Parent Portal.  Details of how to sign up for the portal were included in the paperwork issued during the holidays.  Please contact the school office if you have problems accessing this.

Your child should have brought home a letter about Flu Vaccinations which should be completed.  All forms should be returned to the school office as soon as possible.

  1. Parent Group Meeting

The first meeting of our Parent Group is scheduled for Tuesday 14th September at 6.30pm.  The meeting will be held virtually at present so you will be able to join us in the comfort of your own home with a coffee!  If you are interested in coming along or finding out more, please contact the Chairperson, Mr David Clark on

  1. S1 Information Evening

Unfortunately, we are still unable to hold Parent Meetings in the building.  We are therefore planning to hold a virtual meeting for our S1 Parents on the 9th of September 2021 from 6.30pm until 7.30pm.  This will enable us to give you some more information about the school, our procedures and processes.  Ms Kerr, the DHT responsible for S1, will speak about how we will report on your child throughout the session.  We will then break out into smaller ‘rooms’ where your child’s pupil support teacher will briefly chat about their role in supporting your child.

  1. S5/6 Information Evening

There will be a virtual meeting on teams for S5/6 pupils and parents.  This will include information on the courses your child is following, study techniques and how we support your child to access career advice.  We will also be discussing some of the leadership opportunities that are open to them.  This will take place on Wednesday 22nd September from 6.30pm until 7.30pm.

I hope you find the above information useful.  Working in partnership ensures the best education for your child.  If there is anything we can do to help, please do not hesitate to get in touch.


Please click Newsletter 29th Aug 2021 to download this newsletter as a PDF

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