Inspection Update

Dear Parent/Carer,

I wanted to let you know how proud we were of our pupils last week during our inspection. The inspection team commented on how well-behaved, respectful and confident our young people were. They were in classes speaking to lots of pupils and many pupils were also involved in focus groups. They were a credit to you and to the school.

I would also like to thank the many parents and carers who took time to complete evaluations and attend focus groups to share their experiences of the school with the inspection team. It was great to see so many of our parents involved and the feedback you have given has been very useful.

The inspection team will now complete their report. This will need to be verified before it is published which will take some weeks. It will identify key strengths of the school and areas for us to focus on improving moving forward. Parents will have the opportunity to meet with me to discuss this once it is published.

Thank you for your continuing support. Parent and carers play a crucial role in the life of our school and I look forward to continuing to work with you in the future.

Yours faithfully,

Head Teacher

To download letter please click link: HMIe Parents Letter_14032023