S2 Options Evening

Dear parents/carers,

I am delighted to invite you to the S2 Options Evening which will take place on Thursday 2nd March from 7pm till 8pm.  I am aware that many of you have not yet had the opportunity to visit the school because of Covid restrictions and this is an opportunity for you to meet me and the staff before your children select their subjects the following week.  S2 reports will be issued to pupils on Monday 27th February to give you an update on their progress.

On the evening there will be a short presentation on the different types of qualifications we offer and the pathways they can lead to beyond school for your children.  Staff will be available from different subject departments to talk to you about the courses they offer.

This is an important stage for your child and they are making subject choices which will impact on the qualifications they are likely to achieve in S4, 5 and 6. There have been many changes to the types of qualifications offered in schools in recent years and there is a wider variety of pathways available than ever before. We are keen to discuss these with you to help your child make the best options choices for their future.

An additional input will be offered to parents with children in the SFA programme and School of Football to explain their option pathways as these differ due to training commitments.

Pupils can attend the evening with you if they wish but you are also welcome to come on your own.   Our S6 pupils and a member of staff will be available to help supervise younger children if you require during the presentation.

I look forward to meeting you at the event and welcoming you to the school.

Yours faithfully,

Tracey McDermott