Update from Mrs Rooney

Dear Parent or Carer

Hoping you are all safe and well.   I intend to issue another update next week and we will be in contact over the holidays. As you will appreciate situations and decisions are constantly changing based on information received from North Lanarkshire Council (NLC) and the Scottish Government.   Please keep checking our website, school App and Twitter page for updates.  This letter takes the format of answering some frequently asked questions.

What will our classrooms look like next year?

Our classrooms have been reconfigured to ensure pupils are sitting 2m apart.   This has reduced the capacity in each room.   We are planning ahead with this model but appreciate this may change.  This reduced capacity would mean we could safely bring pupils in for two days per week.

How will my child be taught?

Pupils would do a mix of learning in school and at home. I must stress this could change between now and August.   As soon as we receive further information from NLC we will be in touch.

How will the pupils enter the school and move around the building?

We are planning how we can ensure your child enters/leaves the building safely and can move between classes.   Signs will be in place to direct pupils around the school and remind them to maintain social distancing.  Information about this will be issued nearer the date pupils return to school.

Will work be posted online?

We continue to supply online work for all pupils.   If there is any issues with accessing materials, please complete the form on our website or contact your child’s Pupil Support teacher.

What should pupils wear to school?

We are extremely proud of our standards of school uniform at Braidhurst. All our pupils look extremely smart in their blazer and tie along with black skirt or trousers and a plain black ‘V’neck jumper/cardigan.  We expect all pupils to wear full uniform from August including a tie and blazer.  In addition we recommend that pupils bring a waterproof jacket and/or have an umbrella as they may be outside longer than usual. 

How can I get school uniform?

We have been in contact with MiyoApparel and although the store is closed they have a portacabin open at their warehouse where purchases and returns can be made. The website is www.miyoschoolwear.com and the phone number is 01698 767660

What is happening regarding cancelled school trips?

As yet we do not have the refunds from the travel company insurance company.   We will be in touch as soon as we have more information.

We were delighted to invite our new S1 pupils this week for a short meeting.   We hope this has made them feel part of the Braidhurst community.   Please contact Mr Gardiner if there are any further issues – we are here to help.

It has been hugely disappointing that our usual end of term celebrations and activities have not taken place, especially for our senior pupils.   We wish our seniors all the very best of luck as you move onto your next chapter and thank you for your contribution to Braidhurst High School.

All our contact details are on our website www.braidhurst.org or the school office 01698 274999 between 10 am to 2 pm.


Thank you, as ever, for your ongoing support.

Yours faithfully


Carolyn Rooney

Head Teacher

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