S3 Exams 2019

S3 EXAMS 2019

Click here for exam timesĀ 

Notes for pupils

It is your responsibility to;

  1. Check the timetable and highlight which exams you are going to sit.
  2. If there are any exams on at the same time then see Miss Anderson.
  3. When you are not in an exam you will follow your normal timetable, bring all necessary equipment (books, jotters, PE kit etc). There is no study leave.
  4. Register as normal then report to the exam room.
  5. Leave bags and jackets at the side of the exam room.
  6. Ensure you have the necessary equipment; pens, pencils, ruler, rubbers, calculators etc.
  7. Ensure all electronic devices including mobiles are switched off and away from your desk.