The Modern Languages Department held its annual Easter Egg competition and pupils were asked to decorate an egg and label it in a foreign language. The response was excellent and it was difficult to choose winners.  First prize was awarded to 1L pupil Sophie McCallum with her Humpty Dumpty sur le mur’, second prize was given to Rebecca Davidson for  ‘On fête Pâques à la campagne’ and third prize was won by Thomas Hogg of 1L for his egg ‘Madame Magowan’ ( PT Modern Languages).  The most eggs submitted were by Morven House, followed by Lorne, Atholl and Rannoch. All entries gained points for their house. There were also excellent submissions from the Hub group, under the tutelage of Madame Currie and also the Modern Languages for Life and Work class taught by Mrs McKenna.  The department was most impressed by the imagination and commitment of the pupils who entered and would like to wish them all a ‘Frohe Ostern!’