This year’s annual IDL project: Outdoor Classroom, saw some minor changes to an already successful project.  All S1 pupils were given the opportunity to experience activities organised by a range of departments which had a common theme and focus on developing problem solving skills. This year’s activities were: Habitat Sampling (Biology), Bike Tour (French), Orienteering (Maths), Water Sports & Team Challenge (P.E.), Scavenger Hunt (English) and Bridge Building (Technical). The project took place across three days both in school and at Strathclyde Park.

The pupils had an excellent time and thoroughly enjoyed learning and doing new things that they often wouldn’t have the chance to do.

Karla Luxton (1.4) gave her comments about her experience of the project.

“I really, really enjoyed it. It gave me the chance to talk to and work with people in my year who I wouldn’t normally speak to”

The pupils should also be highly commended for the very good standard of behaviour and conduct that was on display throughout the three days.
