Braidhurst High held a special remembrance service on Tuesday 11th November when Mr David Ramage one of the school chaplains led proceedings.   After a poignant introduction by Mr Ramage the pupils viewed a very powerful film depicting scenes from World War 1.   Jamie Leslie then read a poem entitled ‘Diners’ followed by a prayer from the Rector Mr Hannan.   Holly Worton then read a poem called ‘In Memoriam’ followed by a reading by Marc Armitage.   Further poetry by Gillian Scott ‘Now Poppies Grow’ and ‘So Little Gain’ by Kirsten Cameron proceeded a prayer for peace by Senior Depute Mrs Kathryn Clarke.   Mr Ramage then delivered a talk on ‘sacrifice’ which was followed by the symbolic laying down of individual poppies by senior pupils and a closing prayer by Mr Ramage.