All second year pupils studying French were given the opportunity to study German recently. As German is an extremely important language in the Europe of today, especially in the fields of engineering, Science and Business, it is promoted with great success in Braidhurst High School. Pupils are given the opportunity to study the French and German Curriculum for Excellence from the new National 4 and National 5 levels, to National 6 level, which will replace Higher.

During their ‘taster’ lessons, pupils had a ‘Kaffee und Kuchen’ session, where they were able to sample German cakes such as Schwarzwalderkirschtorte (Black Forest Gateau), Erdbeerkuchen (strawberry cake) and Sachertorte (chocolate cake), washed down with Kaffee (coffee), Tee (tea) or Orangensaft (orange juice). Classes all agreed that these were ‘lecker’ (tasty) and certainly helped them absorb the language more easily. Guten Appetit!