Week Beginning Monday 15th February 2021


Remember to check the timetable to see when you have a 

                   ***LIVE SESSION***

The focus in Week 6 will be on developing Reading Skills. Mrs Manning will be working with each group  on the reading book you were set in week 5. Squares you are going to continue developing division skills and Circles we are also going to be consolidation our number processes using the new Maths booklet you received.

Support Group click on the link below to view Mrs Rowan and Miss Kelso’s timetable for this week.


Monday 15th February 2021

               Holiday Day Off!!!

Tuesday 16th February 2021

***LIVE SESSIONS***  on Teams at 10am whole class to go over weekly timetable.


1. Times Tables Daily Practice Booklet-complete a challenge each day. All groups 

2. Mental Maths Booklet (new booklet) – All groups please complete mental maths test 1 in your booklet. Write the answers in pencil on the booklet and short date the page please. 

**Please complete all TJ work in squared jotter provided. Remember to date and title your work. 


Revision of number processes

Learning Intention: 3 digit column addition and subtraction

Addition subtraction Multiplication and Division Booklet

Page 1/2

Squares and Triangles

Learning Intention: to be able to divide by 5 with remainders

TJ 1b page 56/57

The Times tables stations resource below is a really good resource to help you learn the process of formal division until you know all your tables off by heart. If you want to print a copy off click on the link.

Stations of the times tables resource→click here



Phonics ,Spelling and Vocabulary Booklet page 32 and 43

  1. Is it ‘it’s or its’ ?

Choose the right one to fill each space. Remember that it’s (with an apostrophe) stands for it is!

          2. Doubling UP

Sometimes when you add ‘-ing’ or ‘-ed’  to a word something doubles up.

I.D.L Planner

Around the World- choose an activity from the planner to complete when you have an IDL slot on the weekly planner.



Mrs McDougal- Please log on to Mrs McDougal’s blog and click on the Primary 5 lesson for this week.


Wednesday 17th February 2021

***LIVE SESSIONS***  on Teams at 11.00 am Dahl 1 Reading Group

***LIVE SESSIONS***  on Teams at 1.30 pm Dahl Reading Group



***New Spelling Words***




Primary 5 Topaz Group level 5


  • Click on the link above  to get your new spelling words for the week.  Write/type your words out twice in your lined jotter and write sentences for 10 of your new words.


  • Complete one of the spelling challenge activity cards which can be downloaded on  link below.

Spelling Challenge Activity Cards

Spelling Work Book

Spelling booklet

Adding -ed Spelling Work book page 10

Health and Well Being

During our live session we will be going over the timetable for the week and choosing another letter from the resilience alphabet to work on!

Resilience Alphabet Challenge

We are all working to develop our resilience. Having resilience is really important as it is that quality that keeps us going when things get tough and don’t go our way! One of the ways we are doing this is by using the Resilience Alphabet.


1. Times Tables Daily Practice Booklet-complete a challenge each day. All groups 

2. Mental Maths Booklet (new booklet) – All groups please complete mental maths test 2 in your booklet. Write the answers in pencil on the booklet and short date the page please. 

**Please complete all TJ work in squared jotter provided. Remember to date and title your work. 


Revision of number processes

Learning Intention: 3 digit column addition and subtraction

Addition subtraction Multiplication and Division Booklet

Page 3/4

Squares and Triangles

Learning Intention: to be able to divide by 5 with remainders

TJ 1b page 56/57

The Times tables stations resource below is a really good resource to help you learn the process of formal division until you know all your tables off by heart. If you want to print a copy off click on the link.

Stations of the times tables resource→click here

I.D.L Planner

Around the World- choose an activity from the planner to complete when you have an IDL slot on the weekly planner.



How to draw Gumshoe character from Fortnite


Thursday 18th February 2021

***LIVE SESSIONS***  on Teams at 10 am Horowitz Reading Group

***LIVE SESSIONS***  on Teams at 11am Walliams Reading Group

***LIVE SESSIONS***  on Teams at 1.30pm Morpurgo Reading Group


1. Times Tables Daily Practice Booklet-complete a challenge each day. All groups 

2. Mental Maths Booklet (new booklet) – All groups please complete mental maths test 3 in your booklet. Write the answers in pencil on the booklet and short date the page please. 

**Please complete all TJ work in squared jotter provided. Remember to date and title your work. 


Revision of number processes

Learning Intention: 3 digit column addition and subtraction

Addition subtraction Multiplication and Division Booklet

Page 5

Extension: If you want to challenge yourself try the 4 digit subtraction on page 6

Squares and Triangles

Learning Intention: to be able to divide 2 digits by 10

TJ 1b page 58/59


The Times tables stations resource below is a really good resource to help you learn the process of formal division until you know all your tables off by heart. If you want to print a copy off click on the link.

Stations of the times tables resource→click here


Reading Comprehension

Please complete the  Key Comps below from  your booklet. Read the passage carefully and answer the questions in your lined jotter.

  1. Key Comp 3 Unit 17 The cloth of emperors

  2. Key Comp 3 Unit 6 Earthquakes

  3. Key Comp 2 Unit 21 Tears of Compulsory Education

  4. Key Comp 2 Unit 12 Bird Beaks


**Children you will be working on the books you were set last week. Please make sure you read the books carefully and answer the Bug Club questions.**

Dahl 1 Group (Grey B)

Rat Island
Read the book and answer the book club questions.

Dahl Group (Grey A)

Dog Alert

Read the book and answer the book club questions.

Morpurgo Group (Brown B)

The Pirates -A Daring Rescue

Read the book and answer the book club questions.

Walliams Group (Brown  A)

Changing Places 

Read the book and answer the book club questions.

Horowitz Group (Lime)

The Meddlers: Tick Tock Unfix the Clock
Read the book and answer the book club questions.


Click on the link below to learn the french name for family members. I have selected  Complete the tutorial and then play the games to test your knowledge. 


Sumdog/Education City


I have created a decimals assessment for you to complete on SUMDOG.

Squares and Triangles

I have created a division assessment for you to complete on SUMDOG.

Friday 19th February 2021

***LIVE SESSIONS***  on Teams at 10 am Whole Class for a review of the week and resilience alphabet.


1. Times Tables Daily Practice Booklet-complete a challenge each day. All groups 

2. Mental Maths Booklet (new booklet) – All groups please complete mental maths test 4 in your booklet. Write the answers in pencil on the booklet and short date the page please. 

**Please complete all TJ work in squared jotter provided. Remember to date and title your work. 


Complete all set tasks for the week and check answers with a calculator.

Squares and Triangles

Complete all set tasks for the week and check answers with a calculator.

Health and Well Being

During our live session we will be reviewing our week of home learning and choosing another letter from the resilience alphabet to work on.


Writing a Comic

  • Watch the film about how to create a great comic.

  • Answer the questions in the quiz after the video

  • Now create your own adventure for Cheeseman!!!!

****  When you click on the link below you will be asked to sign in. Use Mrs Manning’s glow mail address gw09manninglorraine@ea.n-ayrshire.sch.uk    ****


Top tips:
Remember to plan your story in pictures-what adventure is Cheeseman going to have?
Does Cheeseman have an arch rival who is trying to thwart his plans?
Remember each piece of the action needs to be contained within a panel
Write captions to describe what is happening in the panel.
Use speech bubbles to write in any words your character is saying
Sound effects in your  panel can be done using onomatopoeia example BANG! POW (sound words)


Outdoor Learning

Nest Building

Can you create a nest fit for a bird using natural materials? Birds come in all shapes and sizes and so do their nests – Use this resource to get creative and build your own nest.


Health and Well Being – PE

Why not try and steadily improve your fitness with this 5 week program.

Sporting Favourites Quiz

If you haven’t already tried this quiz or some of the other sporting ones why not give them a go!

Click on the link below to try the sporting favourites quiz.
