Category Archives: Lewis Class

Tuesday 31st March

Good morning

Given that we are on the run up to the Easer break, if we had been in school, our pupils in Lewis Class would be enjoying lots of Easter related activities.

If you have time during this week, I thought it would be nice if our pupils wanted to design their own Easter egg. If you have a printer at home, I have attached an Easter egg template and a couple of Easter cut and paste activities for the pupils to try. No worries if you don’t have access to a printer, we would love to see your own Easter creations.

Have a good day

Caroline –


Easter Egg Design – Learning Intention

Design an easter egg

Easter chick cut and stick activity

Rabbit cut and stick activity


Hello Mull Class

P.E Boys

P.E Girls

Writing Programme Instructions

Writing Programme Powerpoint

Hello everyone,

Tuesday morning is P.E. morning in Mull class. I have uploaded the P.E. programme that the boys have been working on and the P.E programme that the girls have been working on so that the programmes can be continued at home if it suits. The girls P.E. lesson is on a power point. If you play the slideshow and click on the links the music should work. Alternatively you can use your own music.

Every Tuesday afternoon Mull class work through their writing programme. I have uploaded our programme so that this can be followed at home too. Again, as it is a power point you will need to play the slideshow for the link to work.

Keep reading your book of the week every day and keep developing those functional skills and independence skills through daily chores and snack preparation.

All of the above is completely optional for you to dip into as you wish!

Have a great Tuesday everyone and stay safe and healthy.

Jennifer Moncrieff

Social Story

Coronavirus social story

Now that your child has had time to process that they are out of their routine and no longer at school for the moment.  Here is a simple social story that you can share with them.  Most  of our children and young people are familiar with Boardmaker symbols and this is the symbol system that we will be using in our new school.

You can use the story along with the calendars that you were sent home.  Marking off the calendar each day with a X is a helpful way of learners being able to identify what day of the week it is.

Remember you can email your child’s teacher for any support or advice during these challenging times.


Lewis Class – Monday 30th April

Good morning,

It looks like we have all survived our first week of home schooling. It has been a pleasure to see your photos of the pupils engaging in their home learning activities, well done. Please do keep the photos coming as it lovely to see all the hard work that is going on despite the challenges we currently all face.

Given it’s a Monday and the suns out, I thought it would be nice to start the week with a little fun and what better way to have fun than singing and signing. In Lewis Class the pupils enjoying listening to Singing Hands, so I have chosen “It’s a Wonderful World” as it seems appropriate at this time.  However there are lots of Singing Hands songs available on you tube should you wish to listen to more or to choose a different song.

Have a good day

Caroline –

Friday 27th March (Happy Friday!)

Hello everybody. I would like to start off by saying how much I appreciate everyone engaging with our class blog. During such a difficult and testing time, it’s really lovely to see how families are continuing to promote learning at home.  Thank you so much from all of our staff team. You are all doing an amazing job.

As mentioned in the video, here is the play dough recipe that we use in class (this was the recipe we used when we sold our batches of play dough a few months ago!).


This is the link for The Imagination Tree. A few more play dough recipes on here to try if you wish!

There are many more recipes online on various websites: some incorporating different smells and colours.

Take care everybody 🙂

Laura  —

Thursday 26th March

Good morning everyone! I hope you’re all ok on this rainy morning – fingers crossed the sun comes out later for us.

The response to yesterday’s special job was fantastic, thank you so much! Here is today’s special job… please remember if you don’t manage to get it done there is no pressure 🙂

I’ve also included a link for the Book Trust below. They have lovely interactive stories and games that you might be interested in looking at.

I’m here all day if you need me. Have a good day!