Celebrating Pupil Achievement 2016

Article 29 of the UNCRC (Goals of education) states that Children’s education should develop each child’s personality, talents and abilities to the fullest. It should encourage children to respect others, human rights and their own and other cultures. It should also help them learn to live peacefully, protect the environment and respect other people. Children have a particular responsibility to respect the rights their parents, and education should aim to develop respect for the values and culture of their parents.

Throughout this school year the pupils of Ardrossan Academy have demonstrated a wide range of talents and abilities which have been summarised in this booklet.

Celebrating Pupil Achievement 2015-16


28th June 2016 Activities Day

Article 31 of the UNCRC states that all children have the right to relax and play The UN Committee on the Rights of the Child asserts that certain conditions need to be assured if children are to realize their article 31 rights fully. The full document can be read here  http://ipaworld.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/IPA-Play-Environment-Discussion-Paper.pdf
These factors are:
• Freedom from stress, social exclusion, prejudice or discrimination.
• An environment secure from social harm and violence, and sufficiently free from pollution, traffic and other hazards that impede free and safe movement.
• Availability of rest and leisure time, as well as space that is free from adult control and management.
• Space to play outdoors in diverse and challenging physical environments, with access to supportive adults, when necessary.
• Opportunities to experience, interact with and play in natural environments and the animal world.
• Opportunities to invest in their own space and time so as to create and transform their world, using their imagination and languages.
• Opportunities to explore and understand the cultural and artistic heritage of their community, participate in, create and shape it.
• Opportunities to participate with other children in games, sports and other recreational activities,supported, where necessary, by trained facilitators or coaches.
• Recognition by parents, teachers and society as a whole of the value and legitimacy of the rights provided for in article 31.

On June 28th 2016 Ardrossan Academy Pupils will be enjoying their right to relax and play with a variety of activities shown on the agenda below. We look forward to sharing pictures from activities day.

activities day agenda



Chernobyl Children’s Lifeline Charity

Michael Lafferty, from Chernobyl Children’s lifeline charity, visited Ardrossan Academy this week to talk to pupils about the charity and its work. Children from areas affected by the Chernobyl nuclear disaster have visited Ardrossan Academy in the past and it was a fantastic experience for everyone involved. A group of children will be visiting the school this August and we look forward to welcoming them.

Here is a link to their website.


Refugee Week 20th – 24th June 2016

This week in Personal Support we have been focusing on refugee week. The resources we have been using are listed below.

refugee week day 1

refugee week day 2

refugee week day 3

refugee week day 4

As part of refugee week we have been discussing refuweegee – an organisation that welcomes refugees to Glasgow and makes them feel welcome. On arrival in Glasgow, refuweegees are given a welcome pack with essential items and a “letter fae the locals” welcoming them to the city. Pupils from Ardrossan Academy used this as inspiration to write their own letters fae locals. Some of them are shown here. Their efforts and kind words were also acknowledged by the people from refuweegee on twitter.


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Child Labour Focus Week 13th-17th June 2016

This week in personal support our focus has been raising awareness of child labour and article 32 of the UNCRC. The resources covered during this week are shown here.

Child Labour Friday 17th June (1)

Child Labour Monday 13th June

Child Labour Thursday 16th June

Child Labour Tuesday 14th June

Child Labour Wednesday 15th June

At the end of the week pupils were asked to write down one thing that they had learned about child labour during the focus week. A summary of their responses is shown in this word cloud.

child labour

Raising awareness of child labour is really important, children have the right to be protected from exploitation and harm. The pupils of Ardrossan Academy were also asked to comment on how they could help to prevent and discourage the use of child labour.

Their responses are summarised in this word cloud.

child labour2

It was clear that our pupils wanted to stop the use of child labour. Their ideas to achieve this included; raising awareness, education, buy Fairtrade, impose sanctions and tougher penalties.

Ardrossan Academy Day for Change May 2016

On Friday 13th of May pupils and staff from Adrossan Academy collected every penny of loose change they could find to support UNICEF “Day for Change.” We raised over £130, which is an impressive amount of loose change that will help to keep children safe all over the world.
Supporting this important cause is part of our commitment to children’s rights and placing them at the heart of our school. Ardrossan Academy is currently working towards the UNICEF UK Rights Respecting Schools Award (RRSA). This award recognises achievement in putting the UN Convention on the Right of the Child (UNCRC) at the heart of a school’s practice to improve well-being and help all children and young people realise their potential. The award is based on principles of equality, dignity, respect, non-discrimination and participation.
If you would like to be involved in helping Ardrossan Academy to demonstrate our commitment to children’s rights, please contact the school.