Home Economics (BGE)

Home Economics focuses on health and food. Pupils are given the opportunity through a number of different units of work to develop essential life skills to allow them to thrive independently out with the school community from budgeting to organisational skills, and gain valuable skills for the world of work.

As a department we create a positive and enjoyable environment in which pupils at all stages can enjoy both practical and theoretical classes. Courses are designed to challenge all pupils giving them the opportunity to achieve their full potential. The department supports and adds value to the pupils’ overall experience at school.


S1 – Health Course

  • First Aid
  • Level 3 Wellbeing Award
  • Eat well Plate and nutrition
  • Sleep
  • Growth Mindset and Mindfulness

 S2 – Home Ec

  • Kitchen Safety
  • Food safety and hygiene
  • Practical cookery skills
  • Eat Well Guide
  • Dietary Needs


Pupils experience a coherent blend of Practical Cookery and Health and Food Technology in our newly designed S3 Elective Course. Pupils are encouraged put their learning into practice with the opportunity to host and cater whole school events. We try to include at least one Hospitality linked field trip per year to allow the pupils to experience the industry first hand.

  • REHIS Food Hygiene
  • Food Science
  • Food & Culture
  • Food & Consumer Choices
  • Practical Cookery Skills
  • Nutrition

Pupils are encourage to provide a suitable container to allow them to transport their freshly made products home.

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