Tag Archives: maths

What’s the time Mr Wolf?

Over the next few weeks, in numeracy and maths, we’re going to be looking at time!

By the end of time we’d like everyone to be able to tell the time using am and pm and 24hour clock. In addition to this we aim for everyone to be able to calculate durations in hours and minutes. Some people will calculate durations in seconds and milliseconds, as well as using timetables to find information and plan activities.

This time video brings us back to basics. What is a minute, hour, day?

[kml_flashembed movie="http://www.youtube.com/v/HcVK7vL08PY" width="425" height="344" allowfullscreen="true" fvars="fs=1" /]
Time Video: CLICK HERE!

These two games are great. On the first game, you can choose to do basic time, am/pm, or 24 hour clock. Test yourself and let us know how you get on. The second game will test your ability to calculate time durations.

What time is it? game CLICK HERE!
How long does it take? game CLICK HERE!

Happy gaming!
Mr.Cook, Mrs.MacLeod and Mrs.Prentice

What’s inside our art gallery this week?

Specialist group A have been very busy with Mrs Prentice on a Friday afternoon. So far they have completed some fantastic Autumnal leaf paintings which glimmer in the sunshine, as well as pencil sketching.

As we’re all doing Fractions, Decimals and Percentages this term, we thought we’d end the week with a BBC Class Clip. It is very funny, and shows how fractions, decimals and percentages have influenced the world.

Watch below:

The History of Fractions

A fantastic game which Mr Cook’s group played in Maths today for decimal tenths is found by clicking the link below. We are 78th on the leaderboard. If you get onto the leaderboard, put P67 as your initials as we’re trying to reach 100,000 points.

Decimal Tenths Game

Have a fantastic weekend,
Mr.Cook, Miss Grant and Mrs.Prentice

The work begins…


Your PE KIT for tomorrow

We had our first assessment for Maths today, and it was quite tricky. It was really useful to show us what we have remembered from last year, and what we need to learn next in number work.

We also decided on what our P6/7 Agreements and Responsibilities should be within the classroom and the school. We will add these to the blog tomorrow along with our House Captains, JRSO, Pupil Council, Rising Star and ECO representatives.


1. Bring in a news article from a newspaper/online that interests YOU!
2. Bring in an umbrella for Friday (If you have one)- It’s time to get ARTY!

See you all tomorrow,
Mr.Cook, Mrs.MacLeod and Mrs.Prentice