Tag Archives: global warming

Earth Day – 2013

Today is Earth Day – a day in which people around the world not only celebrate the living things on our planet, but also campaign to protect our world from Global Warming. The videos below deliver the message that we need to act NOW, before it’s too late. Hopefully with our biodiversity and sustainability work this term, we will have a positive impact on the world.

[kml_flashembed movie="http://www.youtube.com/v/s1cG_T0s280" width="425" height="344" allowfullscreen="true" fvars="fs=1" /]

Earth Day – 2013

[kml_flashembed movie="http://www.youtube.com/v/ftiCdUNkugM" width="425" height="344" allowfullscreen="true" fvars="fs=1" /]

Earth Day – VIDEO

Earth Day – WEBSITE

See you tomorrow,
Mr.Cook, Mrs.MacLeod and Mrs.Prentice

Feeling HOT HOT HOT!!

A festive joke from Mrs Mac…
Q: What currency does Santa pay with?
A: Jingle Bills

This afternoon we had a visitor, Robert from Scottish and Southern Energy (SSE). He came to talk to us about climate change and global warming within the energy industry.

Robert was very impressed with all the prior knowledge that the pupils had, he awarded some FANTASTIC prizes to those who answered his questions well.

He told us some top tips about to save energy around the home- these were some of the tips that we came up with when making our global warming pamphlettes.

Our challenge now is to show our Rock Challenge audience what we mean by global warming. The technologic scene at the beginning will take into consideration some of the things that Robert mentioned.

See you all tomorrow,
Mr.Cook, Mrs.MacLeod and Mrs Prentice

All set for December!

REMINDERS: For Monday 3rd December 2012
– Complete UP-LEVELLING on blog post below

Next week, we’re set to have a busy one! It will definitely help kick start us into December!

Monday- M&M Productions are coming to put on Pinocchio for the school. £2 to be given to register teacher.

Tuesday- Choir are going to Tesco Inshes to sing Christmas Carols. They will be performing around 11am if you’re able to go and give them some moral support!

Wednesday- Open Afternoon 2pm – 3.15pm. Come in an join the fun! We’ll be playing our Climate Change Games. You can also check out our wonderful art work.

Thursday- Scottish and Southern Energy (SSE) are coming to talk to us about Climate Change within the  energy industry.

P6/7 really enjoyed helping out at the Christmas Fayre last night! Thank you to the Parent Council for asking us to help!

Finally, THANK YOU to Miss Grant for teaching us this week. We wish you the best of luck next week in your new job!

Have a lovely weekend!
Mr.Cook, Miss Grant, and Mrs.Prentice

Going Global!

We have been immersed in Climate Change and Global Warming over the passed few weeks.

Our Climate Change board games are now complete. We will be showcasing our games at the Open Afternoon on the 5th of December, where we invite parents/carers into see how much hard work we put in with our teams.

There is ONE game missing… If it’s your game, comment on the post with where you think it has disappeared to.

We were extremely busy today beginning with our Rock Challenge planning. Our choreographers have begun creating the routines, the design team have been planning out scenery and outfits, and the technical team have begun thinking about lights, sound and video.

Our soundtrack sounds FANTASTIC! Looking forward to another session tomorrow!
Mr.Cook, Mrs.MacLeod and Mrs.Prentice

We did it for Pudsey!

Thank you to everyone who ‘Wore it Spotty’ for Pudsey today. All of our efforts will help the national total which will be announced tonight on Children in Need.

WELL DONE to all of the P7s who COMPLETED their Assessment for Excellence INKY assessments this week! A mammoth task. We hope you enjoyed doing them.

Excellent organisation of the book fair from James and Morven. Thank you to all the P7s helpers who assisted at their allocated slot!

Play some Pudsey games by clicking the link below:

Watch a video below which shows a scientist’s view on how are continents have moved, and will continue to change with the impact of Global Warming

[kml_flashembed movie="http://www.youtube.com/v/ROZJmX73FF4" width="425" height="344" allowfullscreen="true" fvars="fs=1" /]

Have a good weekend!
Mr.Cook, Mrs.MacLeod and Mrs.Prentice

Let’s get global…

This term, as we mentioned at the beginning we are focussing on the Expressive Arts this term. We will be developing our skills in Art, Drama, Music and Dance through Rock Challenge.

NEWS JUST IN: We have chosen our theme

Our theme for this year’s Rock Challenge is going to be Global Warming. Following on naturally from our Weather and Climate Change topic, pupils were inspired by the 1 degree to 6 degrees clips we studied.

[kml_flashembed movie="http://www.youtube.com/v/O8qmaAMK4cM" width="425" height="344" allowfullscreen="true" fvars="fs=1" /]

Here are the questions we aim to answer through our topic:

How can we make costumes and scenery using limited resources?

How can we create a performance with an underlying message?

What dance and movement talents do we have as a class?

What could be the devastating consequences of Global Warming?

How are we going to show our message in such a short time period?

How can we ensure that everyone feels included in the performance?

We will continue to update you with our progress. Fortunately with our excellent Enterprise efforts, we are able to pay our entry fee, so this is a massive weight lifted!

We’re looking forward to this year’s performance!
Mr.Cook, Mrs.MacLeod and Mrs.Prentice

Global Warming: ACT NOW!

Today we created a campaign speech in writing to STOP Global Warming. We realised that there are lots of things we can all do to prevent the effects on the planet.

Your BLOGGING homework:
For tomorrow (THURSDAY)
– Write a sentence IN YOUR OWN WORDS answering the question ‘What is Global Warming?’ and post it on the blog.

This afternoon we also begun planning LOCHARDIL WEATHER– our very own weather station in Lochardil. We’re aiming to measure and record the rain, wind, cloud-cover and temperature in Lochardil twice a day. This will begin next week. We’ll update when there is more information.

Watch the videos and play the games from this afternoon by clicking the links below:

  • Wettest Summer in 100 years- VIDEO
  • Make your own Rain Gauge
  • Measuring Temperature- VIDEO
  • Types of Clouds
  • Cloud Game
  • WIND and pressure INFORMATION
  • See you all tomorrow,
    Mr.Cook, Mrs.MacLeod and Mrs.Prentice

    Climate Change and Global Warming

    Today in Reading for Information we developed our note-taking skills by watching a clip from the National Geographic on Climate Change and Global Warming.

    We found out that if we don’t change our behaviour, attitude and actions towards the world soon, the world will continue to deteriorate at a rapid rate.


    • Choose 5 things that you can do at home to lower your carbon footprint and prevent global warming.
      E.G- Walking to school whenever possible.

    Watch the video from today by clicking the link below:

    Climate Change VIDEO: National Geographic

    See you all tomorrow & happy blogging!
    Mr.Cook, Mrs.MacLeod and Mrs.Prentice