Firstly, well done to the Rotary Team last night in the Inverness Rotary Quiz. We were delighted to come joint-second, along with Cradlehall Primary School. We’d like to congratulate Crown Primary School, and every other school which took part.
Today for Red Nose Day it was great to see the sea of red to support the charity. The school raised a massive £267 for the charity – Well Done. Thank you to Anna N who baked and sold cakes at break time – raising £34.70 for comic relief. Well done to Kirsty and Betsy for their sponsored silence – bet you’re glad you can talk now girls!

The finalists for the dinosaur competition in P6/7 were Nadya, Jenna and Amy.b – excellent work girls!
Hope you have a great weekend – and we’ll see you on Monday!
Mr.Cook, Mrs.MacLeod and Mrs.Prentice
Red Nose Day/Comic Relief is tomorrow; their red nose theme being dinosaurs. Lochardil are doing a ‘Design your own dinosaur’ competition, organised by the Pupil Council. Your homework for tomorrow is to design and name a new dinosaur.
A reminder that tomorrow is ‘Wear it Red for Comic Relief’. You can come to school in something other than your school uniform, preferably red if you’ve got it, and make a donation to the worthwhile charity which is Comic Relief.
Anna N is busy baking cupcakes which she’ll be selling to P6/7 tomorrow before breaktime. 50p a cupcake – we know we can’t wait to get ours.
Good luck to Charlie T, James H, Katie F, Finlay S and Ellie S who are representing Lochardil tonight at the Rotary Quiz. We wish them the best of luck, and we’ll let you know how they get on tomorrow.
See you in the morning,
Mr.Cook, Mrs.MacLeod and Mrs.Prentice
Red Nose Day/Comic Relief is on Friday; their red nose theme being dinosaurs. Lochardil are doing a ‘Design your own dinosaur’ competition, organised by the Pupil Council. Your homework for Friday is to design and name a new dinosaur.
Well done to those people who had a go at our Fairtrade Challenge last week. The answer Mr Cook was looking for was . . . Drum-roll please . . . Yes, they’re all French speaking places.
Today we developed our ‘Mind-mapping’ skills. We used what we knew about the plot, characters, setting and themes of ‘A Cat in Paris’ to create a mind-map using descriptive WOW words and relevant images. As this was our first attempt we worked in pairs; however next time will try doing this mind-mapping process on our own. We found that a mind-map is an excellent way of showing a snapshot view of a lot of information – a great revision tool which Secondary pupils often use.
See you in the morning,
Mr.Cook, Mrs.MacLeod and Mrs.Prentice
FAIRTRADE CHALLENGE – Well done to all of those people who have submitted answers in the Fairtrade Challenge below. No one has managed to find the common theme I’m looking for between the three places. Have a go – we’ll talk about it tomorrow!
Today we went to watch ‘Une vie det chat’ (A Cat in Paris); it was an extremely enjoyable film. It was great to hear the French phrases and watch along with the English subtitles.
Watch the trailer below:
[kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="344" allowfullscreen="true" fvars="fs=1" /]
Let us know what you thought about the film by commenting on the blog. Remember to tell us why.
Red Nose Day/Comic Relief is on Friday; their red nose theme being dinosaurs. Lochardil are doing a ‘Design your own dinosaur’ competition, organised by the Pupil Council. Your homework for Friday is to design and name a new dinosaur.
See you in the morning,
Mr.Cook, Mrs.MacLeod and Mrs.Prentice