Today we had another successful afternoon for our Biodiversity and Sustainability topic. Our Garden Party date has been set for Monday 24th June 2013 – keep this date in your diary to see our showcase of our hard work.

The ECO Art group busied away on doing their floral paintings. We’re well on our way to having them finished for the big day.

The ECO Gardeners were busy planting, weeding, raking and tidying. The garden is looking fantastic.

Mrs MacLeod’s science group found that the seeds actually germinated better in the DARK rather than the sunlight.

Mr Cook’s science group found that soda water provides seeds with excellent nutrients. Our seeds that were ‘growing’ in vinegar unfortunately died.

Check out our fantastic pictures below:

See you tomorrow – with your PE kit!
Mr.Cook, Mrs.MacLeod and Mrs.Prentice

5 thoughts on “ECO ECO ECO ECO ECO!”

  1. I planted potatoes today!!! It was fun I hope it works! There were a lot of stones! So cairns if you need more stones just go to the side of the potato bit and they are there!!!

    See you all tomorrow!!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Today was really fun I enjoyed planting the carrots I hope the taste good !!! ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚

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