Junior Leadership

This year Sarah Liebnitz, our Active Schools Sports Coordinator, has given 10 children from the upper school the chance to be a Junior Leader. Junior Leadership is about introducing new games to Lochardil and keeping us healthy and happy.

Every Wednesday at 2:00 until 3:00 o’clock we learn new games and techniques on safety, communication, cooperation, enjoyment, responsibility and caring .

We have made up various games called Bean Bag Track, Spinny Hop and Cop Tag.

The rules to these games are….

Bean Bag track: Make a course out of cones and different coloured hula hoops. Each player has a bean bag on their head. One person is the leader and holds up a colour that also has a hoop that colour. Everybody must run to that coloured hoop. If your bean bag falls off your head you are OUT! Last one standing WINS!

Spinny hop: Lay out a long line of  cones. Put 2 hula hoops on your arms and a bean bag on your head. Then hop until you get to the end of the cones, then hop back. You can be in teams or just 2 players.

Cop Tag: You mark an area out of cones. Then you pick a cop and they wear a cone on their head. You have a bean bag in your hand and you have to throw the bean bag at somebody underneath their waist. Once they are caught they make a conga line behind the cop. If somebody goes out of the marked area they become the cop. If the cone falls off the cops head the cop has to pick somebody to replace them. The last person to be caught wins.

We look forward to continuing our junior leadership training.
Ellie, Georgia, Mackenzie, James H, Honor and Ewan M (The P6/7 Junior Leaders)