Global Warming: ACT NOW!

Today we created a campaign speech in writing to STOP Global Warming. We realised that there are lots of things we can all do to prevent the effects on the planet.

Your BLOGGING homework:
For tomorrow (THURSDAY)
– Write a sentence IN YOUR OWN WORDS answering the question ‘What is Global Warming?’ and post it on the blog.

This afternoon we also begun planning LOCHARDIL WEATHER– our very own weather station in Lochardil. We’re aiming to measure and record the rain, wind, cloud-cover and temperature in Lochardil twice a day. This will begin next week. We’ll update when there is more information.

Watch the videos and play the games from this afternoon by clicking the links below:

  • Wettest Summer in 100 years- VIDEO
  • Make your own Rain Gauge
  • Measuring Temperature- VIDEO
  • Types of Clouds
  • Cloud Game
  • WIND and pressure INFORMATION
  • See you all tomorrow,
    Mr.Cook, Mrs.MacLeod and Mrs.Prentice

    58 thoughts on “Global Warming: ACT NOW!”

    1. Global warming is all the factories making holes in the ozone layer, trapping the sun’s heat inside the earth, this melts the ice caps which can cause extreme flooding.

    2. Global Warming is when the world gets hotter and the polar regions start to melt this will cause flooding and droughts.

    3. Global warming is caused because of the great hole in the ozone layer in the atmosphere where all of our green house gasses are disapering into. In the end of all of this global warming, the polar ice caps will have melted and that means no more ice age movies for us. πŸ™

    4. Global warming is when greenhouse gases and creates holes in the ozone layer this cause the temperature to rise.

    5. Global warming is when lots of gases go up to the o zone layer. The O zone layer is a kind of force field for the earth, it stops the sun from making the world too hot. this causes disruptive weather such as hurricanes, heavy rainfall and it can be very hot. This causes the ice to melt which can damage animals in the area.

    6. Global warning is is when all the heat shines o n a greenhouse glase which makes it traped which will cause ice caps mealt πŸ™‚

    7. Global warming is basically an increase in the atmosphere’s temperature because of greenhouse effect from pollution.

    8. also the earth getting hotter will make the ice caps and glaciers melt in the north pole which could make the polar bears become extinct!!! πŸ™ πŸ™ πŸ™ and everyone loves polar bears!

    9. Global warming is the rise in the average temperature of the earth’s atmosphere and oceans.This is caused by the sun penetrating the holes in the ozone layer.

    10. Globle warming means that tempeters rase up and the ice caps start to melt.More stronger winds and makes pouloutoun and gases and effects places and go’s up into space

    11. global warming is when all the polution turns into greenhouse gasses and burns a hole in the ozone layer witch the rayes of sun can get through causing the world to warm. I THINK????

    12. Global Wraming is when too many gas are released in to the plants atmosphere and it heats up the core. It makes winter more colder and summers more hoter in must parts of the plant.

    13. Global warming is when the temperature is riseing up all around the world because of green house gases.

    14. Global warming is when the temperature is riseing up all around the world because of green house gases.

    15. i got a poem for you for being the best teachers

      A teacher should have
      A special place
      In every childs heart

      Because in this game of life
      they help them get their start

      I just want to thankyou mr cook
      For all the things you’ve done

      You’re a very special teacher
      And to me you’re number one

      FROM KIRSTY πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

    16. global warming : is the temperature goes green house gas in the poler regentet the icecap are melting see you totmorrow

    17. Global warming : is the temperature goes the green house gass and in the poier recghant the ice cap are meleting see you tomrrow

    18. Global warming is when cars and buses cause greenhouse gases which rises and makes a hole in the ozone layer which causes the sun to heat up

    19. Global Warming is when the atmospere gets hotter because there is a hole in the ozone layer which is like a blanket over the earth.

    20. Global Warming: The heat of the sun gets trapped by carbon dioxide (CO2) and other gases the air temperature of the surface of the earth gets slowly higher. When it becomes too high people, animals and plants may die. πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

    21. Global warming is when heat is trapped in the ozone,it forms into greenhouse gases and it melts the ice caps in the north and south poles.

    22. Global warming is when we have a hole in the ozone layer in the earth’s atmosphere caused by green house gases.

    23. Global warming is the earths’s temperature getting hotter, this is caused by the greenhouse gases we put into the air traps the heat from the sun which gets stuck inside the ozone layer.

    24. When the sun shines on the earth\’s atmosphere the sun reflects off of the earth,but we burn up too much fossil fuels and the greenhouse gases keep the heat in the earth\’s atmosphere causing all of the ice caps to melt.

    25. When the sun shines on the earth’s atmosphere the sun reflects off of the earth,but we burn up too much fossil fuels and the greenhouse gases keep the heat in the earth’s atmosphere causing all of the ice caps to melt

    26. Global warming is when the greenhouse gases rise up from the earth and make the world warmer (Orrin Bishop).

    27. Global warning happens when greehouse gases enter the Earth\’s atmosphere making holes in the ozone layer which protects the Earth from the sun\’s harmful rays.

    28. Global warning happens when greehouse gases enter the Earth’s atmosphere making holes in the ozone layer which protects the Earth from the sun’s harmful rays.

    29. global warming
      An increase in the average temperature of the Earth’s atmosphere, especially a sustained increase to cause changes in the global climate.

    30. I really enjoyed this afternoon. Thanks for putting the videos and games on the blog. See you all tomorrow. πŸ™‚

    31. Global warming is when fossil fuels are burned and the gasses make holes in the ozone layer. These holes let in the suns rays and the gasses dont let them out again. The heat melts the polar ice caps which means the sea levels could rise and flood the earth.

    32. Global Warming is when all the greenhouse gases trap the heat from the sun which will cause the ice caps to melt.

    33. my favourite bit of equipment was the anemometer because it looks like a master ice-cream scoop πŸ˜€

    34. Global warming is when carbon dioxide goes up into the sky and into the o-zone and makes a hole in the o-zone.

    35. Global warming – doesn’t mean we’ll all have warmer weather in future. As the planet heats, climate patterns change, with more extreme and unpredicted weather across the world – some places will be hotter, some colder. Some wetter, others drier.

      from kirsty πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

    36. Global Warming is the increase in the temperature of the earth’s atmosphere caused by greenhouse gases πŸ™‚


    37. Global warming is when greenhouse gases rise upwards and create holes in the ozone layer. This causes the sun’s rays to go through the holes and heat up the earth.

    38. Global warming is when greenhouse gases float up to the top of the ozone layer and create a hole which sun rays shine through and heat up the world.

    39. Global warming is the effect of too much co2 in the atmosphere which traps too much heat on the planet and alters the weather.An example of this is the polar icecaps melting and effecting the ecosystem in these places.

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