
The central sharing hub for #UoDedu teacher education students at the University of Dundee

September 28, 2017
Comments Off on Resource Allocation Workshop Reflection

Resource Allocation Workshop Reflection

In the workshop, each group were given a pack of resources which -unbeknown to each other- contained less resources than the next. We were then asked to create a product for new students that would be useful during their first few weeks at university. Our group were lucky enough to be given the largest number of […] Continue reading

September 28, 2017
Comments Off on Values: As Embodied and Culturally Specific

Values: As Embodied and Culturally Specific

Prior to Tuesday’s input and engaging with the materials on MyDundee, I had a rough idea of race, ethnicity, prejudice and discrimination, with my main understanding including the idea of people belonging to some sort of group, or being confined to some sort of group. I perceived initially that race was something to do with […] Continue reading

September 28, 2017
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Perceptions on Race, Ethnicity and Discrimination (MA1)

Perceptions on Race, Ethnicity and Discrimination Before the input and reading, my thought and perceptions about race, ethnicity and prejudice were somewhat vague. I know in general what these terms meant and could give examples of what I thought each one entailed. After learning more, I have found that race as a concept is extremely […] Continue reading

September 28, 2017
Comments Off on Resource Allocation Task (MA1)

Resource Allocation Task (MA1)

We were split into groups and each group was given an envelope of materials to create something for new first years. When Derek gave us the task I thought it seemed simple enough. I knew that it wasn’t intended to be a really challenging activity and that the underlying purpose was to encourage us to […] Continue reading

September 28, 2017
Comments Off on Understanding Ourselves Racism Input

Understanding Ourselves Racism Input

Prior to this lecture I had watched the materials and in particular felt the TED talk about growing up black was very empowering. I had the stereotypical definitions of what race, ethnicity and discrimination were however I was shocked to find out just how much they influence people’s everyday lives in that lecture. Originally I […] Continue reading

September 28, 2017
Comments Off on Resource Allocation Input

Resource Allocation Input

After Derek’s input on Resource Allocation the theme became significantly clearer. We were put into 5 groups and each given an envelope filled with resources and asked to create a resource out of the material we were given for first year students to use – basically a survival kit for new students. My group created a […] Continue reading

September 28, 2017
Comments Off on What would you do?

What would you do?

Everybody’s life’s are different, someone may look the same as you and feel the same as you but the worries and struggles we all face are different. We shouldn’t take what we have for granted when others are struggling. What would you do if you knew somebody was struggling with money, food, clothes, house, rent, […] Continue reading

September 26, 2017
Comments Off on Resources Task- The Value of Equality

Resources Task- The Value of Equality

During our most recent values seminar, we were divided into five groups. We were then given resources, such as paper, coloured pens and paperclips, in which we had to use to complete a creative task. I was in group three and found that as soon as we were given our resources, we were aware that […] Continue reading

September 21, 2017
Comments Off on Science or… Magic?

Science or… Magic?

Third year… how did that happen?!? This year I have chosen to take Science as my elective and you will all be lucky enough to see me vlog my encounters as I rediscover knowledge and inquire further into the world of lab coats and STEM subjects. This will help me to enthuse the children I […] Continue reading

September 21, 2017
Comments Off on My Personal Teaching Philosophy – IB TDT 2

My Personal Teaching Philosophy – IB TDT 2

Growing up in several countries with countless teachers, each one with a different teaching style and set of philosophies have allowed me to experience and value specific values and model my own professional practice on. Someone I think has had a huge impact on my own learning throughout school is my A level Philosophy teacher. […] Continue reading

September 18, 2017
Comments Off on Stand and Deliver

Stand and Deliver

As part of our introduction to this module it was recommended that we watch the film Stand and Deliver and to analyse the character of Jaime Escalante – a maths teacher at Garfield High School, East Los Angeles, California. We had one question to answer: Why is Jaime Escalante Different?  Jaime is different because he […] Continue reading

September 13, 2017
Comments Off on Powerful Knowledge in the Social Studies Classroom

Powerful Knowledge in the Social Studies Classroom

So, after a wonderful summer of work, work, Paris, work, its back to third year and within my first day I have been subjected to TDT’s! Nothing quite like getting into the swing of things, is there? My elective module this year is Scottish Studies (unlike me I know, but when I signed up to […] Continue reading

May 1, 2017
Comments Off on Moulsford. History. Common Entrance.

Moulsford. History. Common Entrance.

Its no news to anyone back home, at university or even here at Moulsford that I love my history and its definitely an area I am really interested in teaching. Mouslford are about to go through a whole curriculum change which will happen in the next few months, but for the next few weeks I […] Continue reading

April 24, 2017
Comments Off on Week 3 – Reflection

Week 3 – Reflection

Week 3 has been a 4 day week due to Easter Monday being a bank holiday. I’m so used to being in Scotland where most people work and most things are open on a bank holiday but down here in England everyone closes up shop and takes the day as a proper holiday for family […] Continue reading

April 20, 2017
Comments Off on Religious Instruction

Religious Instruction

Moulsford, as with many other schools across England prides itself in being a Church of England school. This means that during assembly the boys are expected to pray, sing religious hymns and uphold christian values. I have myself observed this in practice and remember prayers and assembly singing, well from my own school days in […] Continue reading

April 20, 2017
Comments Off on Inset Day – Purple Pens and Labelling Lads

Inset Day – Purple Pens and Labelling Lads

Yesterday’s inset day was a lovely relaxing first day back for the teachers before the madness of the children arriving! Moulsford had booked a local teacher to talk to us from a private school in Oxford who are changing their curriculum, like Moulsford, to a more skills based curriculum. As he started I already liked […] Continue reading

April 18, 2017
Comments Off on Week 2 – Reflection

Week 2 – Reflection

Each week on this placement, I must right a short reflection on my time at Moulsford and link it to the GTCS Scottish Standards for Provisional Registration. It was the last week of the Spring term before they boys go off on their Easter break and there was a lot of random days and lessons […] Continue reading

March 23, 2017
Comments Off on Learning for Support and Support for Learning

Learning for Support and Support for Learning

I want to learn about schools from all aspects from the kitchen to the classroom If you are keeping up to date with my blog and reading it daily, you will be familiar with my third goal for this placement quoted above. Today’s main learning focus for myself was Learning Support in my fantastic placement […] Continue reading

March 21, 2017
Comments Off on First Time at Phonics

First Time at Phonics

Phonics at Moulsford has become part of the curriculum from pre-prep up to Year 5 over the past couple of years. For those of you reading this who are unsure of what phonics are, they are the first strategy that children should be taught to help them learn to read by using words that are […] Continue reading

March 18, 2017
Comments Off on Week 1 at Somerset

Week 1 at Somerset

What a quick first week complete! Early reflection has already distinguished the differences in the classroom environment, schedules and overall ethos for the schools I have been to in Scotland prior to this placement. Australia’s IB perspective on schooling has showed me that one thing which is vital to the success in the classroom is […] Continue reading

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