
The central sharing hub for #UoDedu teacher education students at the University of Dundee

September 22, 2017
Comments Off on The First Workshop

The First Workshop

This past Tuesday was our first experience of a university style workshop and what an experience it was. As we walked into the teaching room, with excited chatter and nervousness (even if we didn’t want to admit it), we had no idea what to expect. After only having a short introduction to the Values: Self, […] Continue reading

September 22, 2017
Comments Off on Resource Allocation Workshop

Resource Allocation Workshop

“Equal opportunity means everyone will have a fair chance at being incompetent” – Laurence J. Peter No matter where we come from, when given a task we should start with a clean slate. The door should be open to make an impression for ourselves , show our talents and prove our competence. After our resource […] Continue reading

September 21, 2017
Comments Off on How Our Resource Allocation Task Reflects Society

How Our Resource Allocation Task Reflects Society

The resource allocation task seemed a simple endeavour. However, little did we know how thought provoking such a small and seemingly simple task could be. As one of the many enthusiastic freshers in the room, I was eager to begin the activity. The task was to create a tool for a new student, using the materials […] Continue reading

September 21, 2017
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A Lesson of Equality

Throughout Tuesday’s resource workshop, we were put into five groups. Each group was given a brown envelope, which were allocated to groups one, two, three, four and five. We were asked to develop a helpful tool for a student starting out at university, however, we could only use the provisions that we were provided with.  […] Continue reading

September 21, 2017
Comments Off on My Personal Teaching Philosophy – IB TDT 2

My Personal Teaching Philosophy – IB TDT 2

Growing up in several countries with countless teachers, each one with a different teaching style and set of philosophies have allowed me to experience and value specific values and model my own professional practice on. Someone I think has had a huge impact on my own learning throughout school is my A level Philosophy teacher. […] Continue reading

September 13, 2017
Comments Off on The Allocation of Resources In The Classroom

The Allocation of Resources In The Classroom

I recently attended a workshop on the allocation of resources in a classroom. In what seemed to be a standard teamwork exercise to allow us to get to know each other, we were split into five groups and allocated an envelope filled with resources for the activity. Our task included using the resources to construct […] Continue reading

April 24, 2017
Comments Off on Week 3 – Reflection

Week 3 – Reflection

Week 3 has been a 4 day week due to Easter Monday being a bank holiday. I’m so used to being in Scotland where most people work and most things are open on a bank holiday but down here in England everyone closes up shop and takes the day as a proper holiday for family […] Continue reading

April 20, 2017
Comments Off on Inset Day – Purple Pens and Labelling Lads

Inset Day – Purple Pens and Labelling Lads

Yesterday’s inset day was a lovely relaxing first day back for the teachers before the madness of the children arriving! Moulsford had booked a local teacher to talk to us from a private school in Oxford who are changing their curriculum, like Moulsford, to a more skills based curriculum. As he started I already liked […] Continue reading

April 18, 2017
Comments Off on Week 2 – Reflection

Week 2 – Reflection

Each week on this placement, I must right a short reflection on my time at Moulsford and link it to the GTCS Scottish Standards for Provisional Registration. It was the last week of the Spring term before they boys go off on their Easter break and there was a lot of random days and lessons […] Continue reading

April 17, 2017
Comments Off on Week 1 – Reflection

Week 1 – Reflection

Each week on my placement I will be writing some short weekly reflections about what I have been up to and what I have learned whilst linking it up to the GTCS (2012) Standards for Registration. My week started out rather nervously on Monday with my first day and I honestly don’t think I have […] Continue reading

March 13, 2017
Comments Off on Day 1 at Somerset

Day 1 at Somerset

Okay. So. Somerset is AMAZING! Arriving at the school this morning was incredible. The campus is so big there are separate gates for pre-prep, junior and high school. I am still overwhelmed at the size of this school and the amount of staff they have for everything. They even have a snake catcher! The beginning […] Continue reading

March 12, 2017
Comments Off on Placement Jitters

Placement Jitters

Current mode: panic! No, not really. However, I am feeling very nervous about placement which begins TOMORROW. I say placement but is, in fact, a “prac”. I arrived in Australia Friday just passed and about to undertake a placement in Somerset College, an International Baccalaureate world school in Queensland! As well as all of the […] Continue reading

February 14, 2017
Comments Off on The effects of false scientific testing

The effects of false scientific testing

In science we were put into groups and asked to write up a mini essay about the effects of false science testing and publishing and what dangerous repercussions it can have. As a group we chose the dieting fad “Raspberry Ketones” that were said to help you loose weight rapidly and were “scientifically approved”. However […] Continue reading

January 23, 2017
Comments Off on An Important Moment in My Professional Development

An Important Moment in My Professional Development

As part of the Working Together module delivered in Semester 1, we focused on the collaborative practice of teachers with other professionals from a variety of disciplines, in particular, their close knit relationship with Social Workers and CLD Workers.  One particularly defining moment for me, professionally, was our visit to Partners in Advocacy in Dundee. […] Continue reading

January 21, 2017
Comments Off on The Importance of Early Year Relationships

The Importance of Early Year Relationships

There has been multiple debate surrounding the importance of building up strong, nurturing relationships within the first four years of a child’s life.  Dr Suzanne Zeedyk discusses the flexibility of the human brain in the first four years of a child’s life and how it can be shaped as a consequence of relationships.  Once these relationships are formed […] Continue reading

January 20, 2017
Comments Off on Reflecting on Semester One

Reflecting on Semester One

Being student teachers, we must constantly reflect upon the knowledge and skills we have gained in our everlasting learning process in becoming qualified teachers. As part of a TDT (tutor directed task) we are asked to reflect upon something that impacted us from our learning in semester 1 between the Values and Working Together modules. […] Continue reading

January 14, 2017
Comments Off on Perspectives on Racism

Perspectives on Racism

I have always been interested in the topics of Racism as I struggle to believe the cruelty that once went on in the 18th, early 19th century, especially in America. I studied the African Americans stories of segregation and discrimination for my higher history exam, so I knew quite a bit about the racism that […] Continue reading

November 8, 2016
Comments Off on Equality v Equity (Part 2)

Equality v Equity (Part 2)

 In an earlier blog post ( https://blogs.glowscotland.org.uk/glowblogs/mmkeportfolio/2016/09/20/equity-and-equality-the-difference/ ), I said that equality is not the same as equity: which it is not. But since this blog post I have discovered a new third option (in Vics values class today), and it is that there doesn’t always have to be a choice about if someone is being treated […] Continue reading

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