Communication Friendly Environments

We are here to help you adapt your environment to ensure it is communication friendly. There are lots of ways to do this. We will focus mainly on the use of visuals. Find us on twitter @SchoolsNlc

Health and Wellbeing Resources and Information

Tips for Supporting Anxious Children and Young
People During Social  

Feel the Feelings “It’s okay to feel like this.”

May children or young people may be feeling anger or confusion or sadness. Whatever the feeling. It is important that adults acknowledge that it is okay to feel it and not disregard or try to suppress the feeling.


Name the Feeling “Can you show me how you feel?”

Helping children and young people name the emotion takes away some of the unknown. This can also help them feel validated.


Be the calm “How can I help you?”

Children and young people may react in different ways to how we as adults would expect them to. If adults are in control of their reactions to their feeling; it allows children and young people to feel safer.


Provide structure “It’s time for lunch”

Where possible keep your eating, hygiene, bedtime routines the same. Have a similar
routine each day.


Tell them the plan “I’m working for twenty minutes then we can play cards.”

Letting children and young people know what’s happening next helps ease anxiety. Having a visual plan is great –and can help avoid interruptions during important work phone calls. See our


Most importantly, take care of yourself. Look after your mental and emotional well-being too.


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