Tag Archives: West Dunbartonshire

Global Rights Partnership With Palestine

Some Scottish schools have connected with schools in Palestine to explore the UNCRC. Palestine was chosen as it was identified by the UN as an area of priority regarding children’s rights St Michael’s Primary in Dumbarton paired with Rawdat El Zahur primary in East Jerusalem. A cultural programme has been agreed where children demonstrate and learn each other’s traditional dance, exchange information about local heroes and develop a shared playground charter based on the UNCRC.

In January, Our Lady and St Patrick’s High School invited other schools to join then for a day of connected learning with Palestinian schools.

The Scottish/Palestine school link is coordinated in a partnership between Scottish and Palestinian schools, the British Council and Scottish Friends of Palestine.

To find out more about the project contact:
British Council Connecting Classrooms: schoolsonline.britishcouncil.org
Scottish Friends of Palestine: sfpeducationlink@gmail.com


View the film below or download here.


Clydemuir Primary Doors Open Day

Clydemuir Primary School will host an Open Day in March 2014. Here you will be able to see more of their practice, share their resources and ask questions of staff and children already well advanced on the Rights Based Learning journey.

A specific feature of Clydemuir’s approach to rights has been their highly organised plan for embedding rights

Thurs March 27 2014

Morning 9.30 – 11.30

Please e mail the school to inform them of your intention to attend.


Cluster Planning

Clydebank primary schools came together to produce lesson plans for P1 to P7 linking articles of the UNCRC with Es&Os and Blooms Taxonomy.

Rights Based Learning Planner Primary 1

Rights Based Learning Planner Primary 2

Rights Based Learning Planner Primary 3

Rights Based Learning Planner Primary 4

Rights Based Learning Planner Primary 5

Rights Based Learning Planner Primary 6

Rights Based Learning Planner Primary 7

Kilbowie Doors Open Day

Kilbowie Early Years centre will offer two Open Days in 2014. Here you will be able to see more of their practice, share their resources and ask questions of staff and children already well advanced on the Rights Based Learning journey.


Friday 28 February 2014   COMPLETE

Tuesday 20 May  2014

Please e mail the centre to inform them of your intention to attend.


Ferryfield Doors Open Day

Ferryfield Early Years centre will offer two Open Days in 2014. Here you will be able to see more of their practice, share their resources and ask questions of staff and children already well advanced on the Rights Based Learning journey.

Tues April 22 – 2014

Tues May 27 -2014

Please e mail the centre to inform them of your intention to attend.


Lennox Doors Open Day

Lennox Early Years centre will offer two Open Days in 2014. Here you will be able to see more of their practice, share their resources and ask questions of staff and children already well advanced on the Rights Based Learning journey.

Wednesday 14 May 2014

Please e mail the centre to inform them of your intention to attend.


Meadowview Doors Open Day

Meadowview Early Years centre will offer two Open Days in 2014. Here you will be able to see more of their practice, share their resources and ask questions of staff and children already well advanced on the Rights Based Learning journey.

Tuesday 13 May 2014

Thursday  22 May 2014

Please e mail the centre to inform them of your intention to attend.
