Sumdog Parent Workshop

Date for the Diary Tuesday 31st October 2017 2-3pm This session your child will be using Sumdog to enhance their learning experiences in Maths. Sumdog is used in thousands of schools worldwide. As the children play, they answer questions. Sumdog personalises these questions for each pupil, and tracks their progress through the school curriculum. And the best bit? Lots of Sumdog is completely free. We would like to invite you

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Sumdog Parent Workshop

This session our pupils will be using Sumdog to enhance their learning experiences in Maths. Sumdog is used in thousands of schools worldwide. As the children play, they answer questions. Sumdog personalises these questions for each pupil, and tracks their progress through the school curriculum. And the best bit? Lots of Sumdog is completely free. We would like to invite you to a Sumdog Parents Information Workshop on the 31st of

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Work to Bee Proud of!!

Well done to Cailen, Flynn, Tyler and Kyle who have all worked hard this week on improving different skills and have pieces of work on P2a’s Work to bee Proud of wall. They should all be very proud of their hard work. A special well done to Lacey who impressed Miss Smith with her amazing place value work on tens and units, earning her Star of the Week and a

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Pets in P2a

As part of our topic on pets, Miss McMillan came down to visit our class to tell us all about working in a pet shop. She told us lots of information about what you need to do when you work in a pet shop and she told us all about the pet promise customers make when they buy their pet. Leia – ‘They give information to customers about the animals’

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This week in P2a…

This week in P2a we have had visits from lots of teachers. Mrs McMillan came in to help is with our sentence writing. We became weather reporters and we wrote sentences about the weather for each day of the week. Carly – ‘I know to use capital letters at the start of my sentences now’ Mrs Woolfries visited our class and was teaching us all about rhyme. We heard a

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Balornock Uniform Bank- Multi Jacket Swap Shop

BALORNOCK UNIFORM BANK Multi Jacket Swap Shop Bring in a child’s jacket and swap it for another Tuesday 26th to Friday 29th September 2017 2.30-3.00pm in Balornock Primary or Wednesday 27th September 2017 1.30-4.00pm at the Community Fellowship Northgate Road   Supporting Zero Waste Scotland’s Recycle Week Helping Balornock Primary School maintain their Eco Schools Scotland Green Flag Status  

Balornock Primary Rag Bag Appeal

Balornock Primary Rag Bag Appeal The ‘Rag Bag’ recycling scheme has been developed to provide regular fundraising for schools in Scotland. The scheme increases awareness about textile recycling and by increasing recycling rates we can help the environment by ensuring less material goes to landfill. We will be collecting in school from Tuesday the 26th of September 2017. Please fill the bag provided with any wearable clothing, paired shoes, handbags

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Internet Safety

At Balornock Primary we want to ensure that all of our pupils are safe. As part of our Health and Wellbeing Curriculum we explore ways in which children can keep themselves safe online. As a school community we also want to ensure our parents and carers understand more about how to keep their children safe online. Please click on the red links below to access factsheets created by the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Command (CEOP)

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This Week in P2a

This week the boys and girls in P2a have been working hard. We started off our week learning our new sound ‘ai’. We practised making words that had our sound in them with our partner.   Lacey – “I liked working with a partner to learn my sound” Cailen – “I got this sound easily”   We practised our scissor skills as part of our pets topic. We cut out

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