Internet Safety

At Balornock Primary we want to ensure that all of our pupils are safe. As part of our Health and Wellbeing Curriculum we explore ways in which children can keep themselves safe online. As a school community we also want to ensure our parents and carers understand more about how to keep their children safe online. Please click on the red links below to access factsheets created by the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Command (CEOP)

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Wow!!! what an amazing first few weeks back at school. We have had such an eventful time including a wonderful Coffee Afternoon with all our new Primary 1 adults . It was lovely to see so many people getting to know each other and meeting the P1 staff and Literacy team. Thank you for coming along and please look out for the next informal event. Our amazing Primary 1 stars

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First full week!!

The girls and boys of P1b have been in until 3pm for the first time this week! We have been learning lots of new things. We have been learning about numbers and letters through new songs and rhymes. We have looked at the sound ‘Aa’ and ‘Tt’ and have enjoyed matching the sounds to pictures. We also practiced the Alphabet Song. We are getting very familiar with the ‘Big Number

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Primary 1b

The girls and boys of Primary 1b have settled in very well in their first couple of weeks!! Full time as of next week!