Congratulations Clyde!

Clyde were our house treat winners this term! We had a Family Fun afternoon on Thursday. The afternoon was spent playing games with the parachute, doing an obstacle course, Halloween arts and crafts and netball. We also had some Halloween treats. Our families were invited along and some members really dressed up for the occasion!  

Sumdog Parent Workshop

Date for the Diary Tuesday 31st October 2017 2-3pm This session your child will be using Sumdog to enhance their learning experiences in Maths. Sumdog is used in thousands of schools worldwide. As the children play, they answer questions. Sumdog personalises these questions for each pupil, and tracks their progress through the school curriculum. And the best bit? Lots of Sumdog is completely free. We would like to invite you

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Sumdog Parent Workshop

This session our pupils will be using Sumdog to enhance their learning experiences in Maths. Sumdog is used in thousands of schools worldwide. As the children play, they answer questions. Sumdog personalises these questions for each pupil, and tracks their progress through the school curriculum. And the best bit? Lots of Sumdog is completely free. We would like to invite you to a Sumdog Parents Information Workshop on the 31st of

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Dig In Day- Update

We are planning on working on improving our playground week beginning 23rd October. The hope is that over the course of the week (Monday-Thursday) we can get as many people as possible to help any day between 3 o’clock and 4.30pm. If there is any day you would be available to help please let a member of staff know. The children are excited about what’s to come so please help

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Dig In Day Cancelled

Due to heavy rain over night and predicted rain this morning we have had to cancel our planned Dig In Day. Watch this space for alternative arrangements. Texts and letters will also be sent with a new date.  Thank you to everyone who was planning on supporting us today and we hope to see you with your paintbrush in hand very soon!

P4 Garden Gladiators

Primary four have a special job this year, as part of our eco class responsibility we are in charge of improving our gardening area in the playground! Today we visited Tron St Mary’s Church to look at their garden to gather some ideas of how to improve our playground. We enjoyed visiting the church as we got to learn about different plants and some of us even tasted peas from the garden! Here are

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Internet Safety – Play Like Share

Your child’s online safety education this term This term your child’s class will be studying a unit of work based on Play Like Share, an animated series about online safety produced by Thinkuknow. Thinkuknow is an award-winning education programme from the National Crime Agency’s child protection command, CEOP. It aims to keep children safe from abuse, both online and off. Thinkuknow education resources are age-appropriate, non-scaremongering, and give children the

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