Tag Archives: st andrews museum

St Andrews Museum

Have a magical festive season from FCA&C

I thought I’d share this year’s FCA&C Xmas e-card as it has definitely come about as the result of some young people’s creative skills! During our recent ceramics exhibition at St Andrews Museum (‘Placement’), we invited young visitors to add to The Magic Forest, creating sculptural trees, toadstools, magical animals etc that might be found in such a place. Imagination ran riot, and this small detail is one of many great ‘tableau’ created with plasticine!

FCA&C Xmas e-card 2011
FCA&C Xmas e-card 2011


Ceramics on show!

Young artists’ ceramics’ work on display in St Andrews Town Hall

A colourful display of ceramic work is on display in cases in St Andrews Town Hall foyer until Friday 16 December. It is all the product of 2 workshops, held recently by FCA&C at St Andrews Museum to accompany their exhibition ‘Placement’.
The first workshop was led by ‘Placement’ artist and co-curator Lowri Davies who showed her young pupils how to incorporate on-glaze decoration and transfers (decals) into their plate designs. The resultant work is of a very high standard.
For the second workshop, participants worked on tiles and flat pieces of work mostly which were later fired by the workshop leader, Fife ceramicist Gavin Burnett. Again, a great array of work was produced showing how creative young people can be with clay. The display will be up until Friday 16 December (open usual working hours, Monday to Friday).
Young people's ceramics on show
Young people’s ceramics on show


Storytelling at St Andrews Museum – Fife Contemporary Art & Craft

Several weeks ago, FCA&C invited well known Scottish storyteller Judy Paterson to visit their exhibition ‘Placement’ at St Andrews Museum to tell tales inspired by the artworks on display. She quickly enthralled all ages of listeners with her stories which cleverly used the exhibits. One story, the tale of ‘Old Cruvie’ from Aberdeenshire, was filmed and you can listen to it now on FCA&C’s YouTube channel.   Judy sat beside Claire Curneen’s wonderful terracotta and gold tree sculptures as she told it and the story fitted them so perfectly, it could’ve been written for them!  Judy is pictured standing between two of Stephen Bird’s ceramic sculptures which featured in a song she sang at the end.

Watch out for Judy returning to St Andrews Museum during FCA&C’s next exhibition there early in 2012.

Judy Paterson at St Andrews Museum
Judy Paterson at St Andrews Museum