Here are some of the creative learning opportunities on offer to schools at this years Fife Science Festival…book your places now!!!
Friday 9th March
10am-12 noon & 12:30pm-2:30pm
Terrible Trebuchets and Menacing Mangonels!
Discover the science, technology and history behind the Medieval warfare in this fun and interactive workshop from Historic Scotland!
£2 per pupil, adults free, Booking is essential-contact Historic Scotland Education Office on 0131-668-8736 or email hslearning@scotland.gsi.gov.uk
St Andrews Castle
The Scores
St Andrews
KY16 9AR
Monday 12th March-Friday 16th March
The Weird and Wonderful World of Science
At this fun and interactive school science week, children will explore science through various science experiments and activities. Members of the public have the opportunity to attend on Friday 16th march.
Free admission, non-bookable.
Primary pupils/Families
Denbeath PS
Bancraig St
Tuesday 13th March
Our World in Motion-Mobile Communications Workshops
Find out how easy it is to construct simple electronic circuits and how much fun it is to use them in all sorts of exciting, ingenious projects.
Free admission, booking essential. Contact Dorothy Brankin on 01506-823424
Or email dc_brankin@tiscali.co.uk to book a place/
Suitable for P4-P7.
Museum of Communication
131 High Street
Fife Council
Wednesday 14th March
Green Energy Challenge
Learn all about renewable energy and how important it is in solving our future energy needs and get the opportunity to build a wind turbine at this interactive workshop.
Free admission but booking essential. Contact Liz Allen on 01383-559117 to book your class.
Whitlock Energy Collaboration Centre
Rosyth Business Park
Wood Road
KY11 2EA
Friday 16th March
Techno Games Event
A fun interactive games workshop for secondary school pupils. Pupils work in teams to make a robot, then watch as they compete against other teams in a series of challenges. Have you got what it takes to make a prize-winning robot? Free Admission but booking essential. Contact Bill Hutchison on billhutchison@adamsmith.ac.uk to book a place.
Secondary pupils
Adam smith College
St Brycedale Campus
Brycedale Avenue
Monday 12th March-Friday 16th March
The Renewables Challenge
Pupils get the chance to investigate different renewable energy technologies, including wind power, solar power, hydrogen fuel cells, and more. The challenge is to build the equipment to harness the most renewable energy- and store it, if you can!
Outreach workshop. Free workshopm but booking essential. Contact Karen Ritchie at The Hydrogen Office on Karen.ritchie@the hydrogenoffice.com to book your place.
Primary Schools
Venue: various schools