Historic Scotland are bringing their Medieval science show to St Andrews Cathedral, Fife.

This interactive show aimed at P4-S1 pupils follows the journey of a block of stone from a quarry to its place at the top of an arch, exploring the science behind medieval buildings as it goes and covering topics such as friction, gravity, pulleys, levers and arches.
We have the following slots available on a first come first served basis (shows last 50 minutes):
Tues 6th November – 1.00 pm
Thurs 8th November – 10.30 am
Mon 12th November – 1.00 pm
Tues 13th November – 10.30 am
Thu 15th November – 1.00 pm
Shows are £1.50 per pupil and travel subsidies of 75% are available to help with transport costs
To book or for further details contact Fiona Davidson, Central Region Learning Development Officer on 01738 828 268 or fiona.davidson@scotland.gsi.gov